每年年末,Pantone(彩通)公司都会发布新一年的代表色。近日,Pantone 2020年度色彩(Pantone Color of the Year 2020)正式发布。Pantone将2020年度色彩命名为『经典蓝(Classic Blue)』,代号为 PANTONE 19-4052。今年,PANTONE给出的经典蓝定义是:就像是薄暮时的天空,引人深思、令人安心,突显出在跨入一个新时代...
2020年潘通年度流行色(Pantone Color of the Year 2020) :经典蓝 PANTONE公司是一家以专门开发和研究色彩而闻名全球的权威机构,总部设在美国新泽西州的卡尔斯达特(Carlstadt)。潘通官网近日宣布,2020年的...
For over 20 years, Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries, including fashion, home furnishings, and industrial design, as well as product packaging and graphic design. The Pantone Color of the Year selection process requires tho...
Pantone, provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, announcedPANTONE 19-4052, Classic Blue, as the Pantone Color of the Year for 2020; a timeless and enduring hue elegant in its simplicity. Suggestive of the sky at dusk, the reassuring qualities of the thought-provok...
彩通2020 年度代表色经典蓝限量版色彩指南 Limited Edition FHI Color Guide, Pantone Color of the Year 2020 Classic Blue ¥210.00 合作夥伴 ADOBE STOCK X PANTONE 彩通连续第三年与 Adobe Stock 合作,提供一个精心挑选的年度代表色图像系列,以激发创作者灵感,并将色彩带入生活。在我们步入下一个十年之际,...
每年年末,Pantone(彩通)公司都会发布新一年的代表色。近日,Pantone 2020年度色彩(Pantone Color of the Year 2020)正式发布。 Pantone将2020年度色彩命名为『经典蓝(Classic Blue)』,代号为 PANTONE 19-4052。 今年,PANTONE给出的经典蓝定义是: 就像是薄暮时的天空,引人深思、令人安心,突显出在跨入一个新时代之际...
服装,家居 + 室内装潢色彩指南 [FHI Color Guide] 是为显示色彩在产品上的外观而制作,为庆祝彩通 2020 年度代表色,现在提供限量版。PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue(经典蓝)
“We are living in a time that requires trust and faith,” says Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute. “It is this kind of constancy and confidence that is expressed by Pantone 19-4052 Classic Blue, a solid and dependable blue hue we can always rely on. Imbu...
In 2020, Pantone has chosen from cool pallet of colors, perfect for beach weddings! The worldwide color authority has set the trend as
或许,当我们尽情感受过生活的欢愉之后,也需要静下心来,平复心情,进行自我疗伤和治愈,接着再去拓展视野、挑战自我。色彩权威 Pantone(彩通)每年定期选在岁末公开新年度代表色,今天,众人引颈期盼的Pantone 2020年度代表色(Pantone Color of the Year 2020) 经典蓝Classic Blue新鲜出炉,一起来看看吧!