PMS Color Chart : Please choose a color by Pantone number.PantoneHexadecimalColor 80 #F4ED7C 101 #F4ED47 102 #F9E814 103 #C6AD0F 104 #AD9B0C 105 #82750F 106 #F7E859 107 #F9E526 108 #F9DD16 109 #F9D616 110 #D8B511 111 #AA930A 112 #99840A 113 #F9E...
Use our pantone color chart and matching system to find the pantone colors for all your label needs. See the matching guide here.
A special feature of the extended MOLOTOW Premium range is the Sort.#, a "color-number" or "ranking number" used to order Molotow into a smooth gradient. The Sort # can be found on the back of the can near the color name, on the case labels, and on every PREMIUM color chart. For...
Do not rely on it as your only method for final color selection. This chart is a reference guide only. Pantone colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and monitor used in your system. For true accuracy use the Pantone Color Publication. Process Yellow PMS 100 PMS...
PantoneColorChart(潘通色卡).pdf,PANTONE® ColorVANTAGE ™ Process Simulations of PANTONE solid colors Page: 1 of 14 PANTONE Yellow CS PANTONE Purple CS PANTONE Pro. Yel. CS PANTONE Hex. Yel. CS PANTONE 100 CS PANTONE 106 CS PANTONE 113 CS PANTONE 120
PANTONE Coated Color Reference Printer: The color names and numbers displayed in this book represent PANTONE names and numbers from its copyrighted PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM© and are printed under license by Pantone, Inc. This chart is not for sale and its reproduction by third parties is ...
Pantone Color Chart 潘通色卡 Pantone and hexadecimal color conversion chart PMS Color Chart : Please choose a color by Pantone number. PantoneHexadecimalColor 80 #F4ED7C 101 #F4ED47 102 #F9E814 103 #C6AD0F 104 #AD9B0C 105 #82750F 106 #F7E859 107 #F9E526 108 #F9DD16...
Pantone Matching System Color Chart PMS Colors Used For Printing 国际色卡网——潘通色卡电子版(PMS+COLOUR+CHART) 免费大赠送,123仪器商城注册留下电子邮箱,当天内免费发送潘通色卡全系列电子版(19页)! PANTONE PMS高清全系列潘通电子版效果样图: ●●●更多的PANTONE PMS全系列高清电子版,由于有19页之多,请...
国际标准颜色色卡潘通卡颜色比对PantonePMScol.docx,国际标准颜色色卡潘通卡颜色比对 Pantone PMS col Pantone Coated Stock - PMS Color, Chart, Book, Guide, Chip, Sample Swatch Process 100C 106C 113C 120C 1205C 127C 134C 1345C 141C YellowC Process 101C 107C 114