购买Pantone 15-4101 TCX High-rise 产品。获取 Pantone 15-4101 TCX High-rise RGB, Hex, 以及 CMYK 色彩等详细色号资讯。
PA-TCX ¥112 PANTONE 15-4101TCX色号颜色知识问答区 问PANTONE 15-4101TCX色号是什么颜色,中英文名称是什么? 答PANTONE 15-4101TCX为蓝色相,在HSV色彩空间中PANTONE 15-4101TCX的色调为206度,饱和度为4%,明度为71%,中英文名称是“High-rise” 问PANTONE 15-4101TCX色号的RGB,Hex,CMYK数值分别是多少?
Large-size 3in x 1-7/8in polypropylene chip standards are now available to match your favorite Pantone PLUS Series and Pantone Fashion + Home Color. Some colors may need to be special ordered. Item #PP8153 Mfg #PQ-15-4101TCX Special Order Required, Please Inquire ...
5tcx 15-4101tcx High-rise 33tcx 16-3520tcx African Violet 5tcx 15-4502tcx Silver Cloud 33tcx 16-3521tcx Lupine 5tcx 15-4702tcx Puritan Gray 33tcx 16-3617tcx Sheer Lilac 5tcx 15-4703tcx Mirage Gray 33tcx 17-3313tcx Dusty Lavender 5tcx 15-4704tcx Pigeon 33tcx 17-3619tcx Hyacinth 5...
1TCX 11-4201TCX Cloud Dancer 1TCX 11-4300TCX Marshmallow 1TCX 11-4800TCX Blanc de Blanc 2TCX 11-0606TCX Pristine 2TCX 11-0701TCX Whisper White 2TCX 12-0104TCX White Asparagus 2TCX 12-0105TCX Bone White 2TCX 12-5202TCX Turtledove 2TCX 13-0905TCX Birch 2TCX 13-4403TCX Silver Birch ...
15-4101TCX High-rise 21TPX 16-4702TCX Limestone 22TPX 15-0000TCX Dove 22TPX 15-4502TCX Silver Cloud 22TPX 16-4402TCX Drizzle 22TPX 16-5803TCX Flint Gray 22TPX 17-0205TCX Elephant Skin 22TPX 17-1500TCX Steeple Gray ...
棉布版PANTONE色卡TCX色号查询 Page PANTONE Number Color Name Page PANTONE Number Color Name 1TCX 11-0103TCX Egret 29TCX 13-3801TCX Crystal Gray 1TCX 11-0104TCX Vanilla Ice 29TCX 14-1305TCX Mushroom 1TCX 11-0105TCX Antique White 29TCX 15-1511TCX Mahogany Rose 1TCX 11-0107TCX Papyrus 29TCX...
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15-4101 tc..急求 15-4101 tcx 17-1656 tcx上述两个色卡相对应的 cu卡或者 tp卡代码是多少?哪位能帮忙?
潘通(PANTONE)TCX棉布板色卡TCX棉布板色卡内含2625种以市场为指标,供服装、家居及室内装潢用的色彩。2020年新增了315种TCX新色彩! 2625种贴近潮流的服装+家居色彩,提供了色卡本和可撕取色票两种类型色卡可选,依色谱顺序排列。当您在路途上需要颜色,不论您身在何处,棉布版通行证让您随身带着彩通服装、家居 + 室内...