Panorama is a blood-based genetic, prenatal screening test of the pregnant mom that screens for common chromosomal conditions that affect a baby’s health. Panorama uses unique SNP*-based technology to deliver the most accurate NIPT on the market. Learn
regardlessofmaternalage(14).However,duetotheriskofpregnancylossassociatedwithinvasive procedures(15,16),mostwomendonotundergoinvasivetestingwithoutanotherhigh-riskindication. FIGURE1: Figure1:The22q11.2deletionismorecommonthancysticfibrosis. The22q11.2deletion sismorecommonthan h t r i bcysticfibrosis. 0 ...
Panorama™ is a screening test, which means that this test does not make a final diagnosis. A high risk result means that your pregnancy has a higher chance of having a specific genetic condition. However, you cannot know for sure if your baby has that condition based upon the screening ...
they did find an abnormality within my placenta (which was never fully explained to me). This pregnancy (my T21 pregnancy) started off as a twin gestation– the twin was re-absorbed at about 9 weeks gestation. is it possible that