My computer automatically re-started after each attack with report as shown below (I have included only the basic portion of the long report which can be provided if useful as I know nothing about reading said reports): Anonymous UUID: 8E19A0E0-8A78-D273-14E7-441A07F041C5 Wed May 18...
Some of the symptoms of a panic attack are also experienced during a heart attack (e.g., chest pain). It is therefore understandable that a person who is having a panic attack may think he or she is having a heart attack. If chest pain is recurrent or long-lasting it is wise to ha...
(Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that the immune system makes to help identify and attack pathogens and other unfriendly invaders.) The presence of antibodies against a specific germ in a person’s blood indicates that the person has been exposed to that germ, either through infection or ...
During a panic attack, the client needs reassurance that he is notdyingand the symptoms will resolve spontaneously. In anxiety, the client’s ability to deal with abstractions or complexity is impaired. During the episode, the client may have the urge to flee or escape and have a sense of ...