in classical Greek mythology, a woman created by Hephaestus at the order of Zeus to punish mortals for Prometheus’ abduction of fire from the gods. According to the myth, Hephaestus fashioned Pandora from water and earth, endowing her with the appearance of a goddess and the voice of a mor...
Pandora is in the Greek mythology the first this mortal world female.After Prometheus robs the day fire for the world, the Lord zeus is the penalty humanity, the order god models a young beautiful appearance, the false deceitful girl with the clay, names “Pandora”, Italy is “has all ...
Because robs the fire for the humanity, Prometheus (Prometheus) has enraged zeus (Zeus).Therefore, the zeus decided the penalty humanity, he orders the fire god to compose beautiful appearance woman Pandora, lets her entice Prometheus younger brother Ebby rice Sues (Epimetheus), finally Epimetheus...
Pandora was created by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert where she made her first appearance in Flashpoint v1 #5 (October, 2011). Alternate Versions Appearances Flashpoint: The New 52: FCBD Special Edition v1: Justice League: Pandora v1:
The Lessons From Eve and Pandora(夏娃和潘多拉给我们的启示)TheLessonsFromEveandPandora WehavealreadystudytheGreekandRomanMythologyandStoriesfromtheBible.Iamveryinterestedinthiscourse,especiallythefirstwomeninBibleandGreekandRomanMythology---EveandPandora.Whytheyarecreated,thereasonsarecompletelydifferent.Godisthefa...