This definition covers all types of practices, including structural and non-structural steps to thwart (prevent) or impede (mitigate) the unfavorable impacts of risks (UN/ISDR 2004:21). Conceptually, DRM differentiates the various dimensions of DRM as pre-disaster, response and post-disaster (...
Empirically, migration flows are much more complex than that definition implies. Many migrants move with intentions of long-term settlement but end up staying only briefly. Others move for reasons of temporary work, studies, or refuge, but end up staying permanently. Thus, Skeldon (2021, p. ...
Rural tourism in Serbia had its chance to shine with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to determine to what extent the quality of rural service can contribute to improving rural tourism, and predictions for the continuation o
UNDRR. Hazard Definition & Classification Review: Technical Report; UNDRR: Geneva, Switzerland, 2020. [Google Scholar] Mei, E.T.W. (Ed.) Pandemi COVID-19 dalam Kacamata Pengelolaan Risiko Bencana, Rembug Pageblug Dampak, Respons dan Konsekuensi Pandemi COVID-19 dalam Dinamika Wilayah; Badan...
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA has thus set a minimal operational duration for the definition of contact at 15 min [36]. Meanwhile, the length of congregational prayer is determined by the number of units prayed. Though prayer units might range from two to four, ...
His conceptualization of happiness is based on the assumption that happiness is a degree; his definition of happiness is related to this: happiness is “the degree to which a person evaluates the overall quality of his/her own life as a whole positive. In other words, how much one likes ...