2. Rewrite第二步 - 识别指标并且重写为PandasAI理解更友好的话术 3. Rewrite第三步 - 最后给 PandasAI 做些指导 4. 交给PandasAI,生成结果后最终对结果的格式做一个处理 DEMO PandasAI VS TextToSQL 一句话比对:代码灵活还是SQL灵活,哪个扩展性高?PandasAI。 背景 做一个AI问答Agent,一句话可以跟投资业绩数...
agent_config = { 'llm':llm, #具体使用的大模型 'verbose': True, #控制是否在屏幕上输出全部Pandasai日志 "enable_cache": False, #是否启用缓存 "data_viz_library" : 'pyecharts', #设置使用的画图库,默认为matplot "open_charts": False, #画图后是否直接展示 "save_charts": True, #是否保存图...
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Chat with your database (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, mongodb, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG. - pandas-ai/pandasai/agent/base.py at 10e644f72b9a319ce76c1c299ce1a2115d324d2b ·
Hi I am trying out pandasai for the first time. I tried the following code import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import pandas as pd from pandasai import Agent sales_by_country = pd.DataFrame({ "country": ["United States", "United Kingdom", "France", "Germany", "Italy", "Spain...
agent = Agent([employees_df, salaries_df], config = {'llm': llm}) agent.add_skills(plot_salaries) response = agent.chat("Plot the employee salaries against names") The Agent would decide if they should use the function we assigned to the Pandas AI or not. ...
agent=Agent(df,config={"llm":llm},memory_size=10)result=agent.chat("Which are top 5 items with highest MRP")result Copy Contrary to a SmartDataframe or a SmartDatalake, an agent will keep track of the state of the conversation and will be able to answer multi-turn conversations. ...
agent.chat( "What is the total sales for the top 3 countries by sales?" ) The total sales for the top 3 countries by sales is 16500. Visualize charts You can also ask PandasAI to generate charts for you: agent.chat( "Plot the histogram of countries showing for each one the gd....
PandasAI是一款数据分析领域的ChatGPT应用,本文对原项目进行翻译旨在进行知识科普和梳理。这个项目的github地址为:https://github.com/gventuri/pandas-ai PandasAI 🐼 Pandas AI 是一个Python库,它为 Pandas(一款流行的数据分析和操作工具)增加了生成式人工智能功能。它设计用于与 Pandas 共同使用,并非替代 Pandas。
feat/judge_agent benchmark feature/PAN-822 release/v2.2 feature/PAN-827 fix/frontend_docker_build prepand_training_in_conv bug/PAN-828 pandasai_server_tests bug/PAN-824 feat/PAN-820 multi_turn_semantic_agent feat/PAN-802 gventuri/add-workspace-users-endpoint v2.2.8 v2.2.7 v2.2.6 v2.2...