Filter by Column Value:To select rows based on a specific column value, use the index chain method. For example, to filter rows where sales are over 300: Pythongreater_than = df[df['Sales'] > 300] This will return rows with sales greater than 300.Filter by Multiple Conditions:...
# Using query for filtering rows with multiple conditions df.query('Order_Quantity > 3 and Customer_Fname == "Mary"') between():根据在指定范围内的值筛选行。df[df['column_name'].between(start, end)] # Filter rows based on values within a range df[df['Order Quantity'].between(3, 5...
5.2 多列分组 Multiple columns 6.1 特征 Features 6.1 定量特征 Quantitative 6.2 加权特征 Weigthed features 7.1 过滤条件 Filter conditions 7.2 用函数过滤 Filters from functions 7.3 特征过滤 Feature filtering 8.1 特征排序 Sorting by features 9.1 数值指标 Numeric metrics 9.2 分类特征 Categorical features 10...
df.query('Order_Quantity > 3') #Usingqueryforfilteringrowswithmultiple conditions df.query('Order_Quantity > 3 and Customer_Fname == "Mary"') between():根据在指定范围内的值筛选行。df[df['column_name'].between(start, end)] #Filterrowsbasedonvalueswithina range df[df['Order Quantity']....
# Using query for filtering rows with multiple conditions df.query('Order_Quantity > 3 and Customer_Fname == "Mary"') between():根据在指定范围内的值筛选行。df[df['column_name'].between(start, end)] # Filter rows based on values within a range ...
"""filter by multiple conditions in a dataframe df parentheses!"""df[(df['gender']=='M')&(df['cc_iso']=='US')] 过滤条件在行记录 代码语言:python 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 """filter by conditions and the condition on row labels(index)"""df[(df.a>0)&(df.index....
# Using queryforfiltering rowswithmultiple conditions df.query('Order_Quantity > 3 and Customer_Fname == "Mary"') 1. 2. between():根据在指定范围内的值筛选行。df[df['column_name'].between(start, end)] 复制 # Filter rows based on values within a range ...
# Using queryforfiltering rowswithmultiple conditions df.query('Order_Quantity > 3 and Customer_Fname == "Mary"') between():根据在指定范围内的值筛选行。df[df['column_name'].between(start, end)] 代码语言:javascript 复制 # Filter rows based on values within a range ...
['Votes']>100000)]# Multiple conditions: OR - dataframe with all movies rated greater than 8 or having a metascore more than 90Or_df=df[(df['Rating']>8)|(df['Metascore']>80)]# Multiple conditions: NOT - dataframe with all emovies rated greater than 8 or having a metascore more ...
It’s also possible to filter based on multiple conditions. In this case, each condition needs to be enclosed within brackets, as below, where we’re checking for rows wherecol2equals “a” andcol6is more than 1: df[(df["col2"]=="a")&(df["col6"]>1)] ...