Drop Row by Index label We can drop the DataFrame row by index label using thedrop()function. For that we need to pass the index label (which we want to drop from the DataFrame) into this function, it will drop the specified row from the DataFrame. Let’s see with an example. # Dr...
Similarly by usingdrop()method you can alsoremove rows by index positionfrom pandas DataFrame. drop() method doesn’t have a position index as a param, hence we need to get the row labels from the index and pass these to the drop method. We will usedf.indexit to get row labels for ...
new_df = df.drop(['列名1', '列名2'], axis='columns') new_df = df.drop(['列名1', '列名2'], axis=1) 5. 测试# 5.1 初始化数据# df= pd.DataFrame({'stu_name': ['Nancy','Tony','Tim','Jack','Lucy'],'stu_age': [17,16,16,21,19]},index=['row0','row1','row2',...
Drop Rows by Index Number Likewise, we can delete rows from a given pandas DataFrame by providing index position as arguments to the drop() method. We must extract the row names using the indices and pass them to the drop() method since it does not accept the position index of rows as...
df.drop(labels=[0,1],axis=1,) Drop first two columns from a DataFrame Dropping Rows The row equivalent ofdrop()looks similar. Let's drop a rows where our DataFrame has been index with first names, likeToddandKyle: df.drop(labels=["todd","kyle"],axis=0,) ...
查看数据内容: 2.通常情况下删除行,使用参数axis = 0,删除列的参数axis = 1,通常不会这么做,那样会删除一个变量。 print('\ndrop row')print(df.dropna(axis = 0)) 删除后结果:
df.drop_duplicates(['k1','k2'],take_last=True)# 保留 k1和k2 组合的唯一值的行,take_last=True 保留最后一行 排序 索引排序 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 默认axis=0,按行索引对行进行排序;ascending=True,升序排序 df.sort_index()# 按列名对列进行排序,ascending=False 降序 ...
df.to_excel('output.xlsx', index=False, sheet_name='Sheet1') 以上只是Pandas的一些基本用法,Pandas还有很多强大的功能,包括数据清洗、数据分组、数据聚合、数据透视表、时间序列分析等。您可以根据具体需求进一步深入学习Pandas的更多用法。 三、常用命令 ...
append(row,ignore_index=True) a b c d 0 1 3 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 12 >>> 用loc指定位置添加一行 >>> df.loc[2]=[9,10,11,12] >>> df a b c d 0 1 3 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 12 >>> 指定位置插入一行,索引非数字 代码语言:javascript 复制 >>> df = pd...