如果axis = 0,.dropna(axis)方法将删除包含 NaN 值的任何行,如果axis = 1,.dropna(axis)方法将删除包含NaN值的任何列。我们来看一些示例: #WedropanyrowswithNaNvalues store_items.dropna(axis =0) image.png #WedropanycolumnswithNaNvalues store_items.dropna(axis =1) image.png 注意,.dropna()方法不...
输出: Old data frame length:1000New data frame length:764Number of rowswithat least1NA value:236 由于差异为 236,因此有 236 行在任何列中至少有 1 个 Null 值。
Table 1 shows our example DataFrame. As you can see, it contains six rows and three columns. Multiple cells of our DataFrame contain NaN values (i.e.missing data). In the following examples, I’ll explain how to remove some or all rows with NaN values. Example 1: Drop Rows of pandas...
When we don’t use the index and columns parameter, we pass the column name or the index of the row that needs to be deleted to thelabelsparameter as its input argument. In such cases, we use theaxisparameter to decide if we want to drop a row or a column. If we want to drop a...
cols_drop = ['anonymousFeature1', 'anonymousFeature4'] # 这里填写自己需要删除的缺失值所在列名 reduced_data = org_data.drop(cols_drop, axis=1) # 丢弃代码 查看缺失值的风骚图 先需要pip安装missingno库 import missingno as msno #矩阵图:矩阵的nan矩阵是一个数据密集的显示,它可以让您快速地可视化...
Pandas Drop Columns with NaN or None Values Pandas Drop Multiple Columns From DataFrame How to Drop Duplicate Columns in Pandas DataFrame? Pandas Drop First/Last N Columns From DataFrame How to Drop Multiple Columns by Index in pandas References ...
shape=[4,5]),columns=['a',np.nan,'b',np.nan,'c'])df'''a NaN b NaN c0 ...
Check Any Value is NaN in DataFrame How to Replace String in pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame.fillna() function explained Pandas Series.fillna() function explained Pandas Drop Columns with NaN or None Values Pandas Drop Rows with NaN Values in DataFram ...
列索引,表名不同列,纵向索引,叫columns,1轴,axis=1 (1)DataFrame的创建 # 导入pandas import pandas as pd pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None) 参数: index:行标签。如果没有传入索引参数,则默认会自动创建一个从0-N的整数索引。 columns:列标签。如果没有传入索引参数,则默认会自动创建一...