At the end of theMists of PandariaRemix event, all of the rewards, mounts, and appearances that you earned during the event will carry over to yourWoWaccount just in time for the launch ofThe War Within. Here’swhen you can expectWoW Remix: Mists of Pandariato go live. WoW Mists of ...
Notably, this isn't World of Warcraft: Classic. Remix uses character talents, classes, and abilities from the current retail version, and characters will be able to be carried over at the end of Remix into the main game. Blizzard is teasing that the new Mists...
During theWorld of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandariaevent,WoWplayers will return to the shores of Pandaria to play through the original expansion in a fresh and unique way. At the start of your travels, you receive a special cloak that provides a unique buff called Timerunner’s Advantage. R...