Welcome to our Chinese kitchen. Panda Express prepares American Chinese food fresh from the wok, from our signature Orange Chicken to bold limited time offerings.
餐厅 熊猫快餐(Panda Express)创立于1983年美国洛杉矶,现在是美国最知名的中式快餐连锁餐厅,也是全球最大的中式餐厅连锁店。熊猫快餐的标志是一个憨态可掬的中国国宝——大熊猫,大熊猫顶部位环绕着一行黑色英文字母“PandaExpress”。经过重新优化的标志移除了标志底部的文字“Gourmet Chinese Food(中华美食)”,更换了新的...
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熊猫快餐(Panda Express)创立于1983年美国洛杉矶,现在是美国最知名的中式快餐连锁餐厅,也是全球最大的中式餐厅连锁店,目前在全世界有1600家的分店。它主要运营于大型购物中心、超市和商业街中。连锁店供应多种食品,如橙子鸡、东方鸡,配以炒米饭或炒面。熊猫快餐连锁企业的创始人是美籍华人程正昌,全球拥有2万3000名员工...
An interactive online learning program from Panda ExpressLEARN MORE Read With Me Inspire reading among your students and let our program fill your students’ brains and their bellies!LEARN MORE Achievement Awards Reward kids with the gift of Panda Express for their achievements, big or small!LEARN...
Video about Waving flag with Panda Express logo. Seamles loop 4K editorial clip. Video of symbol, company, banner - 108519351
Panda Inn, Panda Inn with Panda Bear design, Panda Panda, Panda Bear With Bamboo design, Baby Panda Bear design, Hibachi-San, Panda Express, Panda Express with Baby Panda Bear design, Panda, Panda Panda, Panda Panda with Two Panda Bear design, Two Panda Bear Logo, Panda Express Chinese Fa...
Los Angeles were required to provide their employee identification numbers and received workshop materials with the Panda Express logo, Ramirez told theOrange County Register. “Alive Seminars served — in essence — as an extension of Panda Express’ own Human Resources department,” the suit ...
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