In the south Indian state of Karnataka, this experiment has seen mixed results: it has made women more visible, decreased levels of corruption in Panchayati Raj institutions, and increased self-efficiency of women representatives. It is more difficult, however, to claim a substantive change in ...
Sekher TV, Bhide S, Islam MN, Das Gupta M. Public Health and Panchayati Raj Institutions in Karnataka. Bangalore: Institute for Social and Economic Change; 2006.Sekher, T.V., S. Bhide, M.N. Islam & M. Das Gupta (2006). Public health and panchayati raj institutions in Karnataka. ...
Toward Gender Equity: Policies and Strategies || Engineering Elections: The Experiences of Women in \"Panchayati Raj\" in Karnataka, India The study covers women empowerment in Karnataka and its panchayat members of the Gulbarga district in Karnataka in India. The women constitute 50 percent of ...
Chauhan, KhushbooChauhan, K. (2013). E-Governance through Panchayati Raj Institutions in Karnataka: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Politics & Governance, 372-376.
It can be part of political learning in developing makers are not remotely located, but instead located and held accountable locally. Again, this points to the fact that patiency is important when it comes to decen- tralization in developing countries.N. C. Sumathi...
KARNATAKA Panchayati Raj Reform G Sreenivas Reddy PANCHAYATI RAJ (PR) reform has been a subject of debate ever since institutionalisation of the system after failure of the Community Development Programme in the late 50s. Over the years numerous Committees and Commissions, both at the national and ...