Alur Panchayat office address, phone number Tamil NaduAgaram Panchayat office addressphone number Tamil Nadu
Alanganatham Gram Panchayat is a village in Sendamangalam, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu and has about 510 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.
Women village panchayat leaders and stigma and discrimination in TamilnaduKayalvizhi Advocate, Sachithanandham
In developing countries like India, 57 percent of households do not have toilets and in particular of Tamil Nadu it was at 52 percent. In India, local government institutions and civil societies play important role in rural development and they are responsible for transforming the socio-economic ...
Tamil NaduPerformanceThis article has been prepared based on the data collected for a Major Research Project sanctioned by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. The author greatly acknowledges the UGC for its funding to carryout out the project. This study aims to assess the performance of ...
For Detailed Election Result of Tamil Nadu Click below for Constituency Wise detailed Results with Vote Margin and Runner Up results Tamil Nadu Past Assembly Election Results 1)Tamil NaduAssembly Election Result 2013 Constituency Wise 2)Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Result Party Wise 2013 ...
Panchayatraj system in Tamilnadu during british period (1600 ad – 1947 ad) – A studyRanganathan
the study, methodology, general observation, evolution of panchayat raj, rural sanitation etc., An attempt is made, to study the panchayat raj system and rural sanitation in general and particular to study the Pakkanadu Gram Panchayat (GP) of Idappadi block in Salem district, Tamil Nadu. ...
Thematic maps based fertility status of panchayat villages of Ramanathapuram District in Tamil NaduAswathy S NairS ThyigeshwariD Muthumanickam
The study assesses the significant project implemented by Tamilnadu state government at panchayat level. In order to analyze the objectives of the study, statistical technique simple ranking technique was applied. Shortage of staff as well as deputation of the staff for other purposes makes the ...