PanasonicES-LV65-SArc5 Wet/Dry Shaver 松下5刀头电动剃须刀,amazon 4.8星好评。原价$399.99,现金盒特价降至3.7折,注意金盒特价明天下午4点结束。 这款ES-LV65-S 松下剃须刀是14年推出的款式,相比ES-LV95-S少一个清洁桶,其他都一样,便宜$50。可全身水洗,干湿两用。镜面外观十分养眼。日本"安莱钢"精质不锈...
Note: Some models operate on a AA(LR6) Alkaline or AAA (LR03) dry-cell batteries. This type of battery is user replaceable. Select a model from the list below for more information on the battery. If a model is not listed, Refer to the models Operating Manual for specific battery informa...