松下卓越运营株式会社(PEX)是一家 汇集了广泛领域内高水平专业人才的公司。 通过发挥松下实业中积累的知识经验, 灵活运用各种专业领域间的协作, 不断提供贴近客户实务的解决方案。 PEX是一家没有机器设备和销售渠道,全靠人才的公司。 因此,PEX是一家“助力员工成长和自我实现”的公司, 希望通过这些优秀人才“实现客...
Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. was established as a company in which professionals with specialized expertise gather across a wide range of areas. We will strive to contribute to the creation of a prosperous future for people and society by a
Introduction of the Procurement Sector of Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd. While partnering with our suppliers, we are supporting the Panasonic Group’s manufacturing by ensuring the stable and timely supply of quality parts and materials requi
“To encourage eco-friendly choices, the PHD/PEX Head Office employee cafeteria has taken a variety of initiatives, including becoming the first such facility in Japan to introduce sustainable seafood in 2018,” explained Mayumi Maekawa, General Affairs Center of Panasonic Operational Excellence Co. ...