Bumped this guy off a putrid groundhog carcass, then bumped it again not realizing it hadn't gone very far at all and missed a much closer opportunity in the process. Hoped it would come back afterwards to dine again but didn't happen in the 2-1/2hrs I was there. Turkey Vulture View...
其实就是ACR会强行加载镜头配置文件,而Capture One却可以选择加载或不加载,LX10由于镜头是一颗超规格的镜头 广角处有f1.4,因此在边缘的畸变以及黑角非常大,因此相机厂一般选择裁切矫正非常大的一部分再插值到原像素,利用Capture One就能解放出这部分被裁切的像素,所以破解后像素甚至能达到2700-2800w。对于佳能那颗g7x...
SONGDIAN 松典 DC101A 4K 2.7寸数码相机 黑色(7.36mm、F2.6)32G 363元 京东 14小时前 0 0 Nikon 尼康 Coolpix P1000 数码相机 黑色(4.3-539mm、F2.8-F8) 8299元 京东 11-10 01:24 0 0 SONY 索尼 ZV-1 1英寸数码相机(9.4-25.7mm、F1.8) $398(约2,867.4元) 美国亚马逊 11-09 17:...
I use Aperture Priority mode, on f4 when possible,VividPhoto Style, Contrast 0, Sharpness 0, NR -5, Saturation +1, AWB 2 clicks to Amber, no i-settings. And my FZ330 only cost me £300 from Panasonic Outlet about 4 years ago, a refurb but as good as new with full warranty. ...
Panasonic 松下 FZ80D 60倍光学大变焦长焦 便携 专业4K相机 入门相机 桥式数码相机 2998元 京东 12-15 20:45 0 0 Leica 徕卡 M-P typ240旁轴相机 含28F2和50F2镜头 钛金限量版 333套 249000元 京东 12-28 23:28 10 26 SONY 索尼 DSC-RX100M7 3英寸数码相机 黑色(24-200mmm、F2.8-F4.5)...
KEB科比F4变频器 16.F4.F1G-4I00 15KW 科比F5变频器 E167544 现 电梯配件KEB科比变频器F4系列PG卡OC.F4.372-0019/FA-NR.00352457 KEB科比变频器16F5A1G-Y0BA 原装拆机KEB科比F5变频器 09.F5.M1D-2BGA 220V 1.5KW KEB科比F4变频器 16.F4.F1G-4I00 15KW 科比F5变频器 E167544 现电梯配件KEB科比变频...
64506: 再生电源限定激活(减速到高)Regenerativ power limiter active (deceleration to high) 65535: 反应错误Response Error 注意:根据ACP10 SW 版本不同,以上ACOPOS 出错代码表会有所不同,具体信息请查阅AS 在线帮助。 B&R贝加莱伺服驱动器是一款功能强大的机电一体化设备,常见于生产制造领域。但是在使用中...
By the way, I'm a person who usually shoots RAW, so I'm hoping that the RAW results from the TZ200 will be satisfactory for my purposes. I'll be able to tell very quickly. If the camera isn't satisfactory, I can send it back. ...
Oly 550 got extra points for being first (even if the IQ was a bit shabby) Sony H9 got extra points for being fast (even if the CA and NR were suboptimal) FZ18 got extra points, just for being good Bill McClungwrote: They seem to be stuck on that "8.5" rating!