Comparison of colour changes (colour variation) in bunches of hair that had been washed then completely dried in the normal manner using a nanoe™ hair dryer with nanoe™ MOISTURE+ and Mineral or using a non-ionic hair dryer.*Panasonic in-house survey*Effects may vary depending on the ...
Panasonic EH-NA27 nanoe™ compact Hair Dryer features nanoe™ technology which moisturises the hair and scalp while drying to keep it beautiful and healthy. This dryer comes with the quick-dry nozzle for fast hair drying. Buy Now!
Hair dryer with nanoe™ technology Tired of dull, lifeless hair? nanoe™ particles on board EH-NA65 hair dryer hold approx. 1000X more moisture than ions*. These nanosized particles penetrate deeply inside your hair to enrich its moisture balance and reveal your natural shine. ...
樂聲Panasonic EH-NA55 雙電壓「納米離子護髮」風筒配有 1,400 瓦特風力*及 nanoe™ 納米離子科技(含水量比負離子高出約 1,000 倍),配合 nanoe™ 納米離子感應板,有效讓離子吸附在頭髮上,令水份更易滲透髮芯,另加上雙電壓設計及摺合式設計,可方便隨身攜帶於旅行途中使用。
The Panasonic nanoe™ Champagne Gold Hair Dryer is designed to prevent hair damage while protecting your scalp. This hair dryer features Panasonic's nanoe™ technology. The innovative ionic system is anti-static and improves visible shine by conditioning hair to lock in moisture, maintaining appro...
Shop at Yoho for Panasonic EH-NA32 Nanoe® Ions Hair Dryer - Pink, check the price, discount and specifications
nanoe靜電抑制 人體當中含有靜電,特別是在季節轉換,或是剛起床時, 頭髮都容易產生靜電,而靜電又造成秀髮容易打結。透過 靜電離子排除,吹頭髮時吸收過多nanoe,秀髮變的柔軟 順滑。 秀髮快快吹乾 早早睡美容覺 Panasonic獨家速乾吹嘴技術,運用風差將秀髮大面積的 ...
With the Panasonic EH-NA65-K nanoe Hair Dryer, you can dry your hair without drying it out. Unique Panasonic nanoe technology takes the moisture from the air to create tiny, moisture-rich nanoe particles that are small enough to penetrate the shafts of your hair, helping to strengthen and ...
NA45 nanocare Hair Dryer with nanoe™ & Double Ions keeps you from a coarse dry hair through moisture balancing, thereby giving you a healthier scalp.
Panasonic Panasonic Nanoe Salon Hair Dryer with Quick-Dry Oscillating Nozzle Detail Shop Now Amazon $84.99 Panasonic nanoe Compact Hair Dryer for Healthy-Looking Hair, 1400W Portable Hair Dryer with Folding Handling and QuickDry Nozzle for Fast Drying – EH-NA27-K (Black/Pink) Detail Sho...