Panasonic Lumix LX100/II Vario-Summilux 10.9-34mm F1.7-2.8(24-70mm eq.) 作为M43传感器的变焦卡片机,LX100系列可算是站在某种顶点上的,尽管一代长期不更新、二代又基本只更换了底,但是追捧者仍然很多。虽然像场实际上不到完整M43,但是多比例裁切增加了利用率和可玩性。规格也是很高的,在裁切系数2.2的前提下...
日本原裝全新 Panasonic Lumix LX100相機 送30枚除菌清潔纖維布 重點推介 備有光圈環、對焦環、機頂快門旋鈕及曝光補償旋鈕,全面手動操控 1,280萬像素4/3吋高感光度 MOS 影像感應器 LEICA DC VARIO-SUMMILUX 24-75mm / F1.7-2.8鏡頭 支援4K 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, 25p / 24p 影片拍攝 ...
Panasonic 松下 LUMIX DC-LX100 II 17兆像素桥式傻瓜数码相机4K视频全高清 DC-LX100M2 os 10887.65元 直达链接 > 京东现售12809元,下单参与满1件打9折、满399元打9.5折优惠活动,实际到手10887.65元,近期低价。 可参与活动:满1件打9折、满399元打9.5折...
In Slow Sync, the Lumix LX100 II will attempt to balance the ambient light with the light of the flash, even in near darkness by slowing down the shutter speed. These three options are available for the built-in flash. If you’re using a hotshoe flash, or a controller for off camera...
Panasonic has today announced the world's first wide angle compact camera with a 16:9 ratio CCD. The fully manual Lumix DMC-LX1 offers a 8.6 megapixel 1 /1.65" CCD and is the first camera in the LUMIX 16:9 wide LX series. The aspect ratio is easily selec
Panasonic松下Panasonic LUMIX DC-LX100 II 17兆像素桥式傻瓜数码相机4K视频全高清 DC-LX100M2 os图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Panasonic's LX series has always been home to the company's most ambitious compacts, offering a range of photographer-friendly features in a small, stylish and solid body festooned with external controls. It's been two years since the launch of the LX2 and the market has changed a lot in...
出展的LUMIX G9M2是目前松下M43画幅中的新品,也是LUMIX G9的升级版本,新2520万传感器和新引擎带来更高像素和更专业的性能,尤其是对于生态摄影来说,新的相位混合自动对焦较大程度确保了对焦的灵敏度,而预连拍的功能也能回溯保存刚刚发生的精彩瞬间,同时内设了1亿像素高分辨率模式,可以看到更多的生物细节纹理。
The blackPanasonic Lumix DMC-LX100 Digital Camerais an advanced Four Thirds format point-and-shoot with manual controls designed to enable and inspire creativity. It features a large multi-aspect 4/3" type MOS sensor to produce 12.8MP still images (4:3) and 4K Ultra HD vid...