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Panasonic 松下 FZ80D 60倍光学大变焦长焦专业4K相机 入门相机 桥式数码相机 2998元 京东 11-25 23:05 0 0 Panasonic 松下 DC-G100MGK-K M4/3画幅 微单相机 黑色 12-32mm F3.5 ASPH 变焦镜头+G 25mm F1.7 定焦镜头 双头套机 3998元 京东 10小时前 0 0 Panasonic 松下 LUMIX G100K M4/3画幅...
数码 > 摄影摄像 > 数码相机 > 松下(Panasonic) > 松下DC-FZ80DGK-K 松下影像京东自营官方旗舰店 松下FZ80D(Panasonic)桥式相机 60倍光学变焦... 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持
Explore the Panasonic DC-FZ80 - Lumix Digital Cameras - Capture moments near and far. The 20-1200mm zoom lens and 4K Video/Photo recording capability will make sure you catch those fleeting photo opportunities in active outdoor situations.
DC-FZ80D 上市时间 2024-07-18 售后服务 全国联保 高清摄像 4K(3840x2160) 有效像素 1600-2000万 显示屏尺寸 3英寸 适用场景 旅游便携 重量 601g(含)-700g(含) 光学变焦 其他/other 套餐 套餐四,套餐六,套餐三,套餐二,官方标配,套餐一,套餐五 成色 全新 特殊功能 长焦,广角,高清摄像 镜头类型 伸缩式 ...
DC-FZ80DGN-K Taking Bridge Cameras to Another Level Capture moments near and far. The 20-1200mm zoom lens and 4K Video/Photo recording capability will make sure you catch those fleeting photo opportunities in active outdoor situations.
I had used the prior model, the FZ80, It is a travel camera and it's forte is the long tele shots where the phones can not compete with her. It is perfectly fine fot that. On the other hand you always carry your phone. The only reason I did not like it ...
With a light sensitivity range from ISO 80-3200 (6400 extended) and a built-in flash, the Lumix FZ80D produces quality imagery despite harsh lighting conditions. Additional Camera Benefits Post Focus allows you to select the focal point of your photo after the fact by enabling th...
现货国行适用松下FZ80D长焦数码照相机60倍光学4K学生入门相机 Panasonic/松下品牌 一件代发 ¥3099.0 武侯区子骞电子产品经营部(个体工商户)4年 现货国行适用松下DC-GH5S微型单电数码相机4k视频相机双高感GH5S Panasonic/松下品牌 一件代发 ¥7390.0
松下FZ80D数码桥式大变焦长焦便携照相机4K高清视频演唱会摄影摄像 松下FZ80D相机/60倍光学大变焦 适用(Panasonic)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】