Perfectly-sized breadmaker for any kitchen Thanks to its compact and modern design, the PN100 Mini Breadmaker perfectly fits any kitchen ‒ and with any décor. It is a mere 255 x 307 x 290 mm (WxDxH) in size, yet equipped with virtually all the features and functions of a larger pr...
With the YR2540 Breadmaker from Panasonic, you have a kitchen helper that is based on over 35 years of experience and excellence. Dual temperature sensors along with a full range of perfectly tuned features ensure you get the bread you crave ‒ always in the best quality. Dual breadmaker...
下載檔案說明 檔案大小 檔案類型 製麵包機(SD-BMS105T)使用說明書_01 5MB PDF 下載 製麵包機(SD-BMS105T)使用說明書_02 9MB PDF 下載 製麵包機(SD-BMS105T)使用說明書_03 11MB PDF 下載 製麵包機(SD-BMS105T)使用說明書_04 6MB PDF 下載...
Panasonic SD-RD250 Bread Maker Review Released by MWC Marketing.carolj
英国亚马逊 Panasonic SD-2501 WXC Automatic Breadmaker - White: Kitchen & Home历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Panasonic SD-2501 WXC Automatic Breadmaker - White: Kitchen & Home
Panasonic’s bread maker takes the guesswork out of baking bread. There are plenty of helpful features for those just getting started, as well as seasoned bread bakers. You can select a loaf size (medium, large, and x-large) and use one of the many included recipes to make everything fr...
Find out Panasonic Automatic Bread maker, SD-P104 available in Singapore. Compact Design with Yeast Dispenser.
get Dealmoon APP 中文版 All DealsHomeKitchen$96.99 Panasonic Automatic Bread Maker with Yeast Dispenser Shop Now Last Update 2015-11-29 [Expired]Panasonic Automatic Bread Maker with Yeast Dispenser $96.99 Amazon offers thePanasonic Automatic Bread Maker with Yeast Dispenser (SD-YD250)for$96.99 ...
Panasonic Bread Maker 乐声牌面包机使用说明书 SD-PM105 (1),Panasonic Bread Maker 乐声牌面包机使用说明书 SD-PM105 (1),Panasonic..