品牌 PANASONIC音频视频解决方案广播电影和专业视频数字标牌专业音频专业显示器投影仪能源解决方案太阳能电池板蓄电池存储PANASONIC ClearConnect AW UE160 AK PLV10 包装规格 电动汽车电池 保修期 12 材料 音频-视频解决方案 广播 电影和专业视频 数字标牌 专业音频 专业显示器 投影仪 能源解决方案 电源电压 220V...
商品名称:松下(panasonic)AW-UE160 商品编号:10072414435363 店铺:盛嘉菲数码专营店 机身内存:无内置存储 像素:601万以上 存储方式:其他 类型:高端专业 清晰度:4K 变焦倍数:15-30倍 功能:Wi-Fi 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 ...
To make sure it was, Innovative put the then new AW-UE160 PTZ camera through its paces as Koch added, “when we first tested it, we were very impressed. At the first event we used them on they really blew everyone away and knocked it out the park. Then the AG-CX3...
Panasonic AW-UE160 4K 12G 20X PTZ Camera Call for PriceAdd to Cart Panasonic AW-UE80 4K60 SDI/HDMI/NDI PTZ Camera with 24x Optical Zoom Call for PriceAdd to Cart Canon CR-N500 4K NDI 1″ CMOS sensor PTZ Camera New Call for PriceAdd to Cart ...
规格 160mm*186mm*179mm 用途范围 视频会议 数量 100 可售卖地 全国 型号 AW-UE63W/KMC ◆ 12倍光学变焦镜头加上超高分辨率技术◆ 摄像机可变焦至18倍(4K模式下为14倍)◆ 4K摄像机通过IP网络捕捉并传输精彩瞬间◆ 四驱动透镜系统可实现4K拍摄过程中的高画质变焦◆ 搭载高动态范围模式◆ 光学防抖(FHD...
Speaking of compatibility, the new cameras promise consistent color rendering with Panasonic’s AW-UE160 PTZ camera, ensuring the box cameras can fit in with a broader video workflow. This is especially important for the highly-riggable camera, as these cameras are often used as B or C camera...
AW-UE160、AK-PLV100GSJ、AT-KC1000、AW-UE150、AW-HE145、AW-UE100、AW-UE80、AW-UE50、AW-UE40、VariCamLT、AW-UE4、MSRP、AW-UE20、WX-SR204DN、WX-SE200DN、WX- SR202DN 2、WX-ST700、WX-SA250、WX-SE200、WX- SR200P-SS、WX-SR200P-0S、WX_R00P、WX-SR204、FZ-55、CF-33、TOUGHB...
Panasonic松下全新4K多用途摄像机AW-UB50MC、AW-UB10MC计划2024年第四季度发布。重要功能:◆ 高灵敏度、大画幅传感器,双原生ISO ◆ 颜色配置文件与AW-UE160W/KMC兼容◆ 支持NDI® HX2 IP标准◆ 支持多种IP流媒体协议◆ 与松下一体化摄像机无缝衔接◆ 多种输入/输出接口,可灵活适应各种场景◆ 双SD卡插槽◆...
Mise à jour de l'application EasyIP SetupTool Plus intégrée en version 1.4.7. Correction d'un problème pour utiliser l'obturateur de la caméra AW-UE160 depuis l'application PTZ Control Center lorsque la résolution est réglée sur 2160/60p....
the AW-UE160 PTZ and the AK-PLV100 Cinelive studio camera, allowing for much more streamlined multi-camera productions. “KAIROS is the ideal solution for broadcast & media professionals looking to move to a next-generation IT/IP centric platform for unlimited production creativity, regardless ...