nanoe™ X, the original ionizer to generate “nano-sized atomized water particles” is developed by Panasonic. It is an electrostatic atomization technology, that collects invisible moisture in the air and applies high voltage to it to produce “hydroxyl radicals contained in water”. The decisive...
*3 以日本Panasonic2016年9月推出之搭載nanoe™ X 的加濕型空氣清淨機,依據ESR測定法得(OH氫氧離子)。 *4 nanoe™測試條件:在3坪大空間距離地面1.2m,距離nanoe™產生器1.5m位置設置塗了烷烴(十六烷)的65μg的培養皿,並暴露nanoe™ 空間中24小時,確認有99%分解效果。測試單位:Panasonic株式會社解析中心 ...
nanoe™ X, the original ionizer to generate “nano-sized atomized water particles” is developed by Panasonic. It is an electrostatic atomization technology, that collects invisible moisture in the air and applies high voltage to it to produce “hydroxyl radicals contained in water”. The decisive...
Benefits of Panasonic Air Conditioner Keep your loved ones comfortable and healthy with features like nanoe™ X technology to provide all day protection against pathogens, pollutants and harmful fumes. Enjoy faster and healthier cooling without compromising on energy efficiency. 24-hour nanoe™ X ...
Residential Air Conditioning Solutions Browse a wide variety of air conditioning solutions for any home, including wall-mounted and ducted systems. How to Choose the Right Air Conditioner for You Breathe Easy with nanoe™X Air Purification Why C...
Inside Clean works to remove moisture, releasing nanoe™ X and keeping the inside of your air conditioner clean and dry. Simply switch it on with a single touch and keep your main unit clean. *Limited models only. Experience better connection with the Comfort Cloud app ...
nanoe™ X: Maximize Your Indoor Air Quality with an Air Purifier for Your Air Conditioner Abundant in nature, hydroxyl radicals have the capacity to inhibit pollutants. nanoe™ X technology can bring these incredible benefits indoors so that hard surfaces, soft furnishings, and the indoor envi...
nano™ X 的產生條件:[室溫] 大約5°C~40°C (霧點溫度超過2°C) [相對濕度]大約30%~85%nano™ X 是透過室內的空氣產生,數量會受到溫度和濕度影響。免責聲明:提及之nanoe™ X 和nanoe™的有效性數據,係在特定條件下使用靜電水離子產生器進行實驗而取得,未使用內含該產生器的商品進行測試。除臭效果...
nanoe™ X 每秒可釋放4兆8000億*¹個OH氫氧離子, 抑制細菌/黴菌活性,達到抑制效果,並能分解PM2.5等有害物質。 法國Texcell機構實證有效抑制新型冠狀病毒達99.99%*³ & 榮獲日本專利認證 有效抑制病毒及過敏原 有效抑制:過敏原、病毒、黴菌達99.9%*⁴*⁵ 有效抑制:流感病毒H1N1型達99.9%*⁴ 有效抑...
Single Room Air Conditioner Boasting outstanding performance and energy efficiency, as well as a standalone air purification system, discover our flagship range of premium wall mounted split systems. MORE INFO Multi Room Air Conditioner Heat or cool multiple rooms in your home with a single out...