The estimated benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates (BFAR) suggest a major shift in bottom water conditions in ME0005A-24JC site at 12 ky BP. Between 23 and 12 ky BP, BFAR values were of ˃200 specimens/cm2/ky, whereas these values ranged in ~100 speci- mens/cm2/ky for the ...
s ongoing role in international affairs and world commerce. TheUnited Statesrelinquished jurisdiction of the Panama Canal on December 31, 1999, marking an unprecedented shift in Panamanian society. For the first time in nearly a century as an independent nation, Panama controlled the entirety of ...
By contrast, low Chl-a values in the PB were found in September in association with the seasonal shift of the wind pattern to downwelling-favorable and the low light availability. Besides this, the coastal areas displayed high Chl-a values throughout the year, mainly in the Gulf of Panama ...