Arguing like a subdued slave fawning at his masters is not the way to go. Take an example of the county governments as an alternative to soothing discontented elements of a tribe, again; there are still cries of economic apartheid by sections of the very community. Will we not end up wit...
The Site The site for the proposed memorial is the Place Jean Rey, excellently located in the heart of the European district, a large open space within sight of the newly opened House of European History, the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council o...
SIFT Flow 是一个标注的语义分割的数据集,有两个label,一个是语义分类(33类),另一个是场景标签(3类)。 Semantic and geometric segmentation classes for scenes. Semantic: 0 is void and 1–33 are classes. 01 awning 02 balcony 03 bird 04 boat 05 bridge 06 building 07 bus 08 car 09 cow 10 cr...