Our recipe incorporates four baking “tricks.” An untraditional, nearly no-knead method of folding the dough creates airy pockets in the crust. An overnight refrigerated rest allows the dough time to develop maximum flavor. Baking in a cast iron pan makes an audibly crispy crust for your flav...
While the dough was rising, I needed to make some pizza sauce. Store bought pizza sauce works just fine, but I opted to try the supplemental recipe in Cook's Country. I minced two cloves of garlic and put them in a saucepan with 1 tablespoon (15 mL) extra virgin olive oil. The sau...
but it will be well risen and smoother than right after mixing (see the picture, below). Dump the dough from the bulk container to an un-floured work surface. Because this recipe only makes a single, large loaf, there is no need to divide the dough. Gently turn it on the bench with...
For the last few years I have been using Martha Stewart’s pate brisee recipe (also from your site) w/ King Arthur white whole wheat flour as my crust for this quiche. I roll out a little, but then basically press into my Fluted Removable Bottom Tart Pan :) A little easier than regu...