Additionally, analyzed the expression profiles of the GT64 gene family. Overexpressing GhGT64_4 in tobacco improved its disease resistance. Subsequently, VIGS experiments conducted in cotton demonstrated reduced disease resistance upon silencing of the GhGT64_4 , may indicate its involvement in affecting...
The ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitution (Ka/Ks) for each gene of the pangenome was calculated with the KaKs_Calculator (v.2.0)96 using foxtail millet Setaria italica as an outgroup based on multiple sequence alignments performed with ParaAT (v2.0)97. The π for each gene of the...
2023年12月中旬,我有幸参加了在新加坡举行的第三届亚太演化生物学大会,并在会上发表了题为“Pan-evolutionary and regulatory genome architecture delineated by integrated macro- and microsynteny approach”的口头报告。在报告结束后,许多...
representing broad genetic diversity in the species. Our analysis reveals that a recent long terminal repeat burst contributed nearly 20% of gene copies, introducing functional genetic variants that affect phenotypes such as leaf colour. Our graphical pangenome improves the efficiency of genome-wide ass...
Pan-genome SNPInDelSV A C BC D C A B D Core genome 提供领先的基因组学研究方案 北京诺禾致源生物信息科技有限公司 NovogeneBioinformaticsTechnologyCO.LTD. 地址:北京市海淀区学清路38号金码大厦B座21层 电话:***-***67技术支持:support@novogene 技术比较 基因组denovo测序泛基因组测序 技术策略...
Pan-genomes for functional gene mapping Genomics has been widely used for gene mapping in crop species; however, a single reference genome cannot fully represent thegermplasmwithin a species. Apan-genomeis a comprehensive representation of the genomic variation in a population or species that enables...
gene family, and each edge is a relation of genetic contiguity. The partitioning method promotes that two gene families that are consistent neighbors in the graph are more likely to belong to the same partition. It results in a Partitioned Pangenome Graph (PPG) made of persistent, shell and...
, and contained 40% more genes. The average length of the DNA segments added to the pan-genome was 1,487 bp, much larger than the 600 bp minimum length cutoff. These analyses reveal a large amount of gene and non-coding sequence that is not captured by a single reference genome....
蛋白别名:39.1; 40-kDa keratin intermediate filament; 47 kDa cytokeratin; 56 kDa cytokeratin; 57kd keratin; 57kDa keratin; 58 kDa cytokeratin; 60-kDa keratin; 65 kDa cytokeratin; 67 kDa cytokeratin; Cell proliferation-inducing gene 46 protein; CK 2e; CK-1; CK-10; CK-13; CK-14; CK-15...
Pangene is a command-line tool to construct a pangenome gene graph. In this graph, a node repsents a marker gene and an edge between two genes indicates their genomic adjaceny on input genomes. Pangene takes theminiprotalignment between a protein set and multiple genomes and produces a gr...