你好, pan-cancer analysis 的中文翻译是:潘癌分析 求采纳,谢谢亲!
Pan-Cancer analysis project 是 TCGA 项目的一部分,于 2012 年启动,旨在利用 TCGA 数据库中不同类型的肿瘤中产生的大量数据(DNA、RNA、表观、蛋白水平),进行整合分析,寻找潜在非肿瘤特异的的肿瘤标志与靶点,并通过增加样本量以期识别出更多肿瘤特异的分子异常。 好词好句 单词 molecular aberrations affect therapeuti...
Pan-cancer相关的项目研究已经非常成熟,“Pan-Cancer Atlas”泛癌图谱项目成果颇丰,27篇顶级文章已发表在Cell杂志及其高水平子刊上,https://www.cell.com/pb-assets/consortium/pancanceratlas/pancani3/index.html为相应链接,可进入并下载相关文章,个人感觉其中一些文章深奥且相当有难度,需要进一步精读。补充的数据文件...
Nature TCGA | TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis 浩瀚之宇关注IP属地: 甘肃 2019.02.01 14:39:01字数7阅读452 Nature TCGA | TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 0人点赞 TCGA 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我"赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下...
Cancer risk is determined by a complex interplay of environmental and heritable factors. Polygenic risk scores (PRS) provide a personalized genetic susceptibility profile that may be leveraged for disease prediction. Using data from the UK Biobank (413,7
analysis of pan-cancer The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) RNA-seq cohorts (including 30 types of cancer). Finally, we identified the LDHA as the most potential target from LM.SIG was based on 17 CRISPR datasets, and validated its capacity in pancreatic cancer (PC) via experiments. The ...
Sp1, a transcription factor, regulates essential cellular processes and plays important tumorigenic roles across diverse cancers. However, comprehensive pan-cancer analyses of its expression and potential immunomodulatory roles remain unexplored. Utilizi
Pan-cancer analysis of whole genomes Description of the PCAWG resource of >2,600 whole cancer genomes and their matching normal tissues across 38 tumour types, including data, portals, analysis pipelines and downstream integrative analyses. Afull list of authors (pdf 482 kb)is available for downlo...
Functional analysis suggested that mutations within the lysine modification regions possessed higher evolutionary conservation and deleteriousness. Furthermore, pathway enrichment showed that mutations on lysine modification sites mainly affected cancer related processes, such as cell cycle and RNA transport. ...
ANGPT2 plays important roles in cancer development. However, there is still no systematic analysis of ANGPT2 in pan-cancer. In this paper, we conducted a p