The longest life span recorded is 37.1 years (Rowe, 1996). Sign in to download full-size image Figure 17.11. Macaca fascicularis, adult cynomolgus monkey. Both rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys have a total of 32 teeth with a dental formula of 2–1–2–3. They have cheek pouches that allow ...
封面图片:Pan American World Airways logo. Also the logo of the 2 other Pan Am airlines 参考译文:泛美世界航空公司的标志。同时也是另外两家泛美(Pan Am)航空公司的标志。 图片来源:Pan Am Systems 此图片属于公共领域 第一部分(概述、喷气时代前的历史)请点击这里访问 第二部分(喷气时代以来的历史)请点击这...