PAMELA REIF Home Workout Plan帕梅拉居家训练课表第四、五、六、七周 四月份最新的两周课表课表,比起三月份的每周只有新手友好版、每日三十分钟版,以及每日四十五分钟版,四月份开始增加了一套每日四十五分钟高效燃脂版! 以后就每一个月把课表及其对应视频,汇总成一篇专栏啦! WEEK 4 第四周 第四周新手友好版 第四...
【WEEK 7】PAMELA REIF Home Workout Plan fat burn/45min帕梅拉第七周居家锻炼每日四十五分钟高效燃脂版 975 2 6:40:18 App 自用!侵删!【WEEK 19】PAMELA REIF Home Workout Plan fat burn/45min帕梅拉第十九周居家锻炼四十五分钟高效燃脂版 7300 2 1:33:34 App 帕梅拉新手友好版居家训练 PAMELA REIF home...
帕梅拉PamelaReif 21-12-27 14:03 来自iPhone客户端 NO workout plans for this week 😬 We’ll take a week off and then kickstart a new system in January. So if you want a plan, pls feel free to recycle any of our plans~See U next week🥰...
German influencer (网红) Pamela Reif is one such blogger. She rose to fame at the age of 16, when she started posting pictures of her lifestyle and fitness routine online. In early June, Pamela uploaded her first video, "12-Minute Happy Sweat Workout," on Chinese soc...
【WEEK 6 of 2021】PAMELA REIF Home Workout Plan 30min per day 帕梅拉居家锻炼每日三十分钟版共计9条视频,包括:DAY 1 calorie killer、DAY 1 happy sweat、DAY 2等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
YouTube 帕魔3月23日左右在ins发布的两套居家训练,一个每天30分钟,一个每天45分钟,还是逢DAY 4、DAY 7休息~课表稍后发布在动态! 健身 生活 运动 运动 美女 塑形 锻炼 训练 一团毛宪发消息 此帐号主更新帕梅拉以及emiwong课表,其余佛系搬运,还有少量追星小日常!