LOCATE, DRIVERS ## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL ## Same thing without a password # %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL ## Allows members of the users group to mount and unmount the ## cdrom as root # %users ALL=/sbin/mount /mnt/cdrom, ...
随后使用的 pam_unix 模块带有来自 pam_cracklib 的任何旧口令和新口令,因此用户在更改口令后无需再次进行身份验证。此过程可确保不能绕过 pam_cracklib 所执行的检查。每当配置了 account 或auth 类型来指出口令失效时,还应使用 password 模块。 例2.5︰ session 部分的默认配置 (common-session) session ...
传统UNIX密码验证 (auth,account,password,session) pam_unix.so [nullresetok|nullok] [try_first_pass|use_first_pass] [nodelay] [use_authtok] [shadow] [sha256|sha512] [rounds=N] [minlen=N] [no_pass_expiry] [debug|audit] [quiet] 标准的传统UNIX密码验证(基于 /etc/passwd 与 /etc/shadow ...
authconfig - gtk gdm password - auth - ac smartcard - auth - ac system - config - authentication authconfig - tui gdm - autologin polkit - 1 smtp system - config - date chfn gdm - fingerprint poweroff smtp.postfix system - config - kdump chsh gdm - password ppp sshd system - conf...
修改建议:编辑配置文件/etc/pam.d/system-auth和文件/etc/pam.d/password-auth修改或添加配置:password sufficient pam_unix.so remember=5 或password required pam_pwhistory.so remember=5 备注:使用remember=5配置覆盖原有模块配置 实际解决方法:编辑配置文件/etc/pam.d/system-auth和文件/etc/pam.d/password...
Vim /etc/pam.d/gdm-passwd #将下面行注释 #auth requried pam_succeed_if.so user !=root quiet_success 1. 2. 3. 4. pam_google_authenticator 功能:实现SSH登录的两次身份验证,先验证APP的数字码,再验证root用户的密码,都通过才可以登 录。目前只支持口令验证,不支持基于key验证 ...
Oct 1 19:45:12 test-VirtualBox gdm-password]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_setcred Oct 1 19:45:12 test-VirtualBox gdm-password]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_setcred Oct 1 19:45:12 test-VirtualBox gdm-password]: pam_unix(gdm-password:auth): Couldn't open /etc/...
The first password is always good when used with the use_first_pass or try_first_pass option. first_pass_bad The first password is always bad when used with the use_first_pass or try_first_pass option. always_fail Always returns PAM_AUTH_ERR. always_succeed Always returns PAM_SUCCESS. ...
", then makes an account call tolibpam. Thepam_unixmodule checks for things like whether the password has expired. Other modules might check host or time-based access control lists. An overall response is handed back to the process.
To get the password verified and written to the correct location, the login process makes a password call tolibpam. Thepam_unixmodule writes to the localshadowfile. Other modules may also be called to verify the password strength. If the login process is continuing at this point, it is re...