pam_get_user 子例程返回当前存储在 PAM 句柄 pamh中的用户名。 如果尚未通过 pam_start () 或pam_set_item ()设置用户名,那么子例程将显示由 prompt指定的字符串,以通过对话函数提示输入用户名。 如果 prompt 为NULL ,那么将使用通过调用 pam_set_item () 设置的 PAM_USER_PROMPT 值。 如果 prompt 和PAM...
The pam_get_user() function is used by PAM service modules to retrieve the current user name from the PAM handle. If the user name has not been set with pam_start() or pam_set_item(), the PAM conversation function will be used to prompt the user for the user name with the string...
int pam_get_user(pam_handle_t *pamh, char **user, const char *prompt); DESCRIPTION Thepam_get_user()function is used by PAM service modules to retrieve the current user name from the PAM handle. If the user name has not been set withpam_start()orpam_set_item(), the PAM conversati...
PAM的优点是它的实用性和灵活性,对于Linux服务器上的应用程序或服务,可以根据需求实施各种安全策略,甚至可以自己编写认证模块进行调用。 本期安仔课堂,ISEC实验室的张老师为大家详解PAM。 一、PAM的认证机制 图1 当User访问一个Service或者Program,应用程序需要进行认证服务,会根据自身定义认证的PAM配置文件来调用PAM相关...
pam_get_user(resp, username,"username: "); pam_get_user(resp, oldpassword,"old password: "); pam_get_user(resp, newpassword,"new password: "); //在这里进行旧密码的验证和新密码的加密存储等操作... if(strcmp(oldpassword,"mypassword") ==0&&strcmp(newpassword,"newpassword") ==0) {...
#include <security/pam_appl.h>int pam_get_user (pam_handle_t *pamh,char **user,const char *prompt); Descriptif La sous-routinepam_get_userrenvoie le nom d'utilisateur actuellement stocké dans le descripteur PAM,pamh. Si le nom d'utilisateur n'a pas encore été défini viapam_start ...
printf("pam_get_user failed\n");returnretval; }if(!strcasecmp("root",pUsername)) { printf("root user!\n"); }else{ printf("normal user!\n"); }returnVerify(pamh); }/*Account Management API's*/PAM_EXTERNintpam_sm_acct_mgmt(pam_handle_t *pamh,intflags,intargc,constchar**argv) ...
retval= pam_get_user(pamh, &pUsername, NULL); printf("欢迎来到我的PAM %s\n", pUsername);if(retval !=PAM_SUCCESS) { printf("what?");returnretval; } printf("请输入密码: %s\n", pUsername);char*pPw;char* p ="Password:";
user_number = get_user_number(user)exceptpamh.exception, e:returne.pam_result ifuserisNoneoruser_number == -1: msg = pamh.Message(pamh.PAM_ERROR_MSG,"[1]Unable to get user's phone number.\nPlease check.") pamh.conversation(msg)returnpamh.PAM_ABORT ...
pam_get_user(pamh, &username, "Username: "); // 得到密码 printf("Password: "); gets(password); // 测试判断,如果用户名和密码不相等,就认证失败 if (strcmp(username, password) != 0) { return PAM_AUTH_ERR; } printf("Password is: %s\n", password); ...