Lecture 4 : Evolutionary models and substitution matrices ( PAM and BLOSUM ).Muff, Stefanie
题目: PAM矩阵及其在生物信息学中的应用; 第二章 数据库搜索与两两比对 4、使用BLOSUM矩阵是为比对打分的另一种方法,见: S.Henikoff and J.G.Henikoff,1992, Amino acid substitution matrices from protein blocks, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89: 10915-10919. 什么是BLOSUM矩阵?BLOSUM矩阵有什么...
转移矩阵(transition,transversion) (嘌呤:腺嘌呤A,鸟嘌呤G;嘧啶:胞嘧啶C,胸腺嘧啶T) (2)蛋白质打分矩阵 (i)等价矩阵 (ii) 氨基酸突变代价矩阵GCM (iii)疏水矩阵 (iv)PAM矩阵(Point Accepted Mutation) (v) BLOSUM矩阵 (Blocks Amino Acid Substitution Matrices) 第二节 两两比对算法 2、子序列与完整序列...
Compare the differences between PAM and BLOSUM matrices. 暂无答案
S.HenikoffandJ.G.Henikoff,1992,Aminoacidsubstitutionmatricesfromproteinblocks,Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.89:10915-10919.什么是BLOSUM矩阵?BLOSUM矩阵有什么应用?题目:BLOSUM矩阵及其在生物信息学中的应用;第二章数据库搜索与两两比对 COMPANYLOGO 5、Needleman与Wunsch提出了进行全局序列比对的具体算法,见...
Protein Alignment Scoring - PAM and BLOSUMPresentation prepared for Intro to Bioinformatics. The lecture comprises material from the text Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics.Dan E. KraneMichael L. Raymer
BLOSUM and PAM Matrix-Derived DescriptorsNan Xiao