1、打开轻量应用服务器控制台,选中对应服务器,单击进入实例详情页,找到【执行命令】页签,即可使用自动化助手的【执行命令】功能。 2、点击【执行命令】。 3、在执行命令的弹窗中,选择【公共命令】,并根据服务器操作系统的类型,下拉选择需要执行的命令。 4、在 Linux 服务器内一键部署幻兽帕鲁,则需要选择命令“安装...
mkdir ~/palworld_server/mcsm ln -s ~/palworld_server/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini ~/palworld_server/mcsm 使用ROOT用户安装MCSM 退出当前的steam用户至root用户 exit 安装mcsm wget -qO- https://gitee.com/mcsmanager/script/raw/master/setup_cn.sh | bash 如果你的系统正在运行其...
cp ./DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini vim Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.ini vim的使用方法可以上网找 启动PalServer 下一步就是进入palserver的目录中,然后执行以下命令 cd /Steam mkdir sdk64 cd steamapps/common/PalServer cp linux64/* ~/Ste...
services:palworld:image:thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latestrestart:unless-stoppedcontainer_name:palworld-serverstop_grace_period:30s#Set to however long you are willing to wait for the container to gracefully stopports: -8211:8211/udp-27015:27015/udp#- 8212:8212/tcp # Port for REST API...
FORCE_UPDATEWhether the server should be update each time start.falsetrue/false The variables in the table below only valid during initialization, if you need to make it valid, please delete/opt/palworld/Pal/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/PalWorldSettings.iniand restart the container. ...
4. Install mods on the server Now, let’s set up the mod on your Linux game server by uploading it. Based on their extension, there are two types of Palworld extensions –PAKand script-basedLUAfiles. They also have a different installation path. ...
In addition to SteamCMD, installLinux Screento allow the server to keep running in the background after the SSH session ends. Here’s the command: sudo apt install screen You can also utilize another terminal multiplexer based on your needs and use cases. For example, usetmuxif you need mor...
do not use Palbox modifications on the server. Crop_instant_harvest (single, Multi, Server) Players can harvest infinitely and immediately. The server values will be applied. LongPressInterval To use, it must be installed on the client side. (single, Multi, Server) You can modify the ...
Shows stats of Pals when hovering over eggs.Now works with both BRED and WILD Eggs.Now works on servers that also have the mod installed.
Simply add the option at startup to complete the setup as a community server. ThePalServerpart must not be changed. Windows with Steam Windows with SteamCMD Linux with SteamCMD If you start server with Steam. You need to chooseOpen and start as a community server. ...