立即在您的GPORTAL服务器上开始您的“伙伴”收藏 《幻兽帕鲁》就在这里,我们为您提供成为“伙伴”收藏家所需的硬件。快速的服务器,低ping时间,高可靠性,满足游戏玩家的所有需求。立即获取您的《幻兽帕鲁》服务器,探索疯狂的游戏世界。 滚动到顶部 语言和货币 支持 反馈系统...
PenPal World periodically makes full backups of the information stored on its servers. PenPal World makes no guarantees of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the integrity of these backups. Backups are made for server restoration purposes only. PenPal World is not responsible for a...