players=32 修改服务器最多人数 -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS 适配多线程cpu环境,(提升多核性能),能适配4线程,4线程以上部分就没啥太大用了。
./ EpicApp=PalServer 如果你需要放在后台执行: nohup ~/palworld_server/ EpicApp=PalServer > ./logs & 在官方文档中,提到了一个性能优化的参数: -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS 在多线程CPU环境中提高性能;这种方式在最多大约4个线程的情况下有效,分配...
我们非常建议您启用服务器密码功能,即找到ServerPassword="",在引号之间输入您设定的密码,玩家加入时将需要使用密码。 具体配置项您可以参考官方文档在新窗口打开,这里提供一些常用项目: 提示 倍率类项目可以为小数,即1.0000000.500000此类。 是否类项目应为True(是) 或False(否) ...
启动参数添加-useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS 1876×288 73 KB 修改服务器帧率 使用方法:添加下面两行到PalServer\Pal\Saved\Config\Server\Engine.ini中。 配置一般的也可以锁垂直同步60帧率,即使serverFps玩下去只有30帧,依然可以减少回溯现象。 [/Script/OnlineSubsystemUtils.IpNetDriver...
-port– change the dedicated server’s listening port. -players– set the maximum number of players. -useperfthreads– enable theperf systemto track multi-threaded events. -NoAsyncLoadingThread– disable asynchronous loading threads. -UseMultithreadForDS– use CPU’s multithreading to run the dedi...
PGID* The gid of the group the server should run as 1000 !0 MULTITHREADING** Improves performance in multi-threaded CPU environments. It is effective up to a maximum of about 4 threads, and allocating more than this number of threads does not make much sense. false true/false COMMUNITY Wh...
Intel reps do not even bother to read the OP in any of these threads. If anyone bothered to read what OP wrote you would easily see that he is NOT having an issue with Palworld. Palworld is running at 100% GPU usage, is what he is saying and he is ASKING if this is normal The...
services:palworld:image:thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latestrestart:unless-stoppedcontainer_name:palworld-serverstop_grace_period:30s#Set to however long you are willing to wait for the container to gracefully stopports: -8211:8211/udp-27015:27015/udp#- 8212:8212/tcp # Port for REST API...
cat <<EOF > pal-server.service [Unit] Description=pal-server.service [Service] Type=forking User=ubuntu Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30s ExecStart=$HOME/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/ -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS ...
cat <<EOF > pal-server.service [Unit] Description=pal-server.service [Service] Type=forking User=ubuntu Restart=on-failure RestartSec=30s ExecStart=$HOME/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/ -useperfthreads -NoAsyncLoadingThread -UseMultithreadForDS ...