保存后尝试运行bash palbackup.sh 运行后可以看到 已经成功将数据打包到了/root/palbackup目录下,进入轻量对象存储桶中查看,可以看到对应的文件已经存储到了桶中。 4.将备份脚本设置为定时任务 crontab -e 在末尾添加如下命令,即每半小时备份一次,并写入日志 0,30 * * * * bash /root/palbackup.sh >> /roo...
self.server_exe_path=server_exe_path self.memory_threshold=memory_threshold# 确保备份文件夹存在os.makedirs(self.backup_folder,exist_ok=True)defbackup(self):timestamp=datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S')backup_file_name=f"{timestamp}-Save.zip"backup_file_path=os.path.join...
PALWORLD Save Pal Note: This project was put together for fun and to kick the tires on Sveltekit 5 and Skeleton UI Next. Things may be broken or not work as expected. ⚠️ Backup your save files before using this tool!! ⚠️ Palworld Save Pal is a tool for managing and analyz...
Fix 2. Solve Palworld Progress Lost with Backup Folder The directory C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames\steamID\ contains your most recent saved game progress. The save data directory contains both player and world data. You will also discover the "backup" folder in the same...
palworld:dir:"D:\\Game\\SteamCMD\\steamapps\\common\\PalServer\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\0\\259201A849EBE1C85131B0ADF18F8F7A"#files: #none for copying the whole folder#- "Level.sav"copyTo:"D:\\Game\\SteamCMD\\steamapps\\common\\PalServer\\Pal\\Saved\\SaveGames\\0\\backup"compress...
Installation 1.Optionally backup you save file. 2.Download REUE4SS xinput: Releases ·UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS (github.com)(file name: UE4SS_Xinput_v2.5.2.zip) 3.Install REUE4SS in \steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\. 4.Download the mod. ...
vimpalbackup.sh 代码语言:bash 复制 #!/bin/bash# Define source directory and backup directorySOURCE_DIR="/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/common/PalServer/Pal/Saved/SaveGames/0"BACKUP_DIR="/root/palbackup"DATE=$(date+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)# Create a gzip compressed tarbaltar-cvf"${BACKUP_DIR}/backup...
找到存档文件,C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Pal\Saved\SaveGames{你的steamid}{存档} 然后获取玩家B的GUID,执行下面脚本,替换save_path为你的存档路径,执行脚本,会打印出玩家名称和GUID # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8importargparse,json,osfromfix_saveimport*deffind_guid_info...
Backup & Restore We backup your server hourly to ensure you have the option to restore to an earlier save if anything goes wrong. You can also use our file manager one of our other premium features. DDOS Protection Your server will be hosted in our datacenters and will be protected by...