服务端安装参考 https://tech.palworldgame.com/dedicated-server-guidesteamcmd app id: 2394010 (按照官方文档中说明匿名用户即可,经测试目前必须购买用户登录才行)默认服务端端口 8211/UDP启动社区服务器要添加 EpicApp=PalServer 参数例X:\palworld\PalServer.exe EpicApp=PalServer服务端启动后会生成相关存档和配...
2.1、编写 docker-compose.yml 文件 version:'3.9'services:palworld-dedicated-server:container_name:palworld-dedicated-serverimage:jammsen/palworld-dedicated-server:latestrestart:unless-stoppedports:-target:8211# 容器内游戏端口published:8211# 宿主机映射端口protocol:udpmode:host-target:25575# RCON 容器内pu...
2.在库中找到“Palworld Dedicated Server”,右键,管理,浏览本地文件 3.按照红框的文件路径,找到这个PalWorldSettings.ini文件,鼠标右键,编辑 最终文件保存的样式参考如图 配置文件说明 ——游戏版本v0.1.2.0 OptionSettings=(Difficulty=3, 难度:1、2、3整数,简单、普通、困难,影响怪物血量之类的数值 DayTimeSpeedR...
How to set up and configure an Enshrouded server With a dedicated Enshrouded server, you control how many players there are and when the server is online. If you host with a professional provider, you don’t need to keep your computer running in order to host the game. But how much comp...
想要部署属于自己的幻兽帕鲁服务器(Dedicated Server),您首先需要拥有一台服务器,服务器是幻兽帕鲁运行的基础。部署完成后,您和您的朋友便可以登入专属的游戏服进行体验。使用云服务器搭建幻兽帕鲁服务器,便可以让您与您的朋友在一个相对独立且私密的空间中进行游戏,确保获得更加畅快的游戏体验。
2.在库中找到“Palworld Dedicated Server”,右键,管理,浏览本地文件 3.按照红框的文件路径,找到这个PalWorldSettings.ini文件,鼠标右键,编辑 配置文件说明 ——游戏版本v0.1.2.0 OptionSettings=(Difficulty=3, 难度:1、2、3整数,简单、普通、困难,影响怪物血量之类的数值 ...
This section will explain the steps to make your own dedicated server for the Palworld Steam version, from setting up your VPS environment to installing mods to improve gameplay. Since we’ll useDebian 12, theLinux commandsmight differ depending on your distribution. ...
services:palworld:image:thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker:latestrestart:unless-stoppedcontainer_name:palworld-serverstop_grace_period:30s#Set to however long you are willing to wait for the container to gracefully stopports: -8211:8211/udp-27015:27015/udp#- 8212:8212/tcp # Port for REST API...
A Docker Container to easily run a Palworld dedicated server. - palworld-server-docker/docs/zh-CN/README.md at main · liasica/palworld-server-docker
100% Server Uptime PebbleHost works to provide a 100% uptime on all of our server hosting plans, day or night we keep your Palworld server online. Transparent Node Stats Being as transparent as possible is important to us, that's why we publicly display our node stats ensuring you're on...