今年我最爱的品牌Paloma Wool再次在伦敦开设了Pop-up店铺!第一天我就早早赶去一探究竟。之后因为实在没看过瘾,又去了一次。总结一下:这里的毛衣真的都非常漂亮,耳环的搭配也非常有范儿。一进门,我就拿到了卡片,开始挑选自己想试穿的款式。我两次都把卡片写满了,款式实在太多了!有些款式现场没有现货,只能在线下...
今天去Paloma Wool的快闪店逛了一圈,发现挂在衣架上的衣服看起来平平无奇,就是一块普通的布。😱 但是穿上身之后,效果简直让人惊呆!这身材真的是我的吗?👧🏻 我身高157cm左右,身材很瘦,平时也没什么特别的。💖 试了几件衣服后,瞬间变成了这个品牌的忠粉!这个品牌不仅有可爱的针织系列,还有那种能让你瞬...
We are an online project with no physical store, but you can find a selection of our products in some selected international multibrand stores. You can also contact our customer service athola@palomawool.comfor more information. We are also on a continuing pop-up world tour, creating ephemera...
21 Hottest Girls in Pop Right Now (2014) (TV Special) - Self (archive footage), Performer ("Only Love Can Hurt Like This") Operation Hospital Food with James Martin (2014) (TV Series) - Performer ("Agony") (1 episode, 2014), Performer ("Picking Up the Pieces") (1 episode, ...
21 Hottest Girls in Pop Right Now (2014) (TV Special) - Self (archive footage), Performer ("Only Love Can Hurt Like This") Operation Hospital Food with James Martin (2014) (TV Series) - Performer ("Agony") (1 episode, 2014), Performer ("Picking Up the Pieces") (1 episode, ...
S码对我来说有点大,不过基础款的设计,个人觉得不如五月Pop Up买的那件抹胸Top(P9)可爱😅。✨ P5 毛衣 - 米色S码 这款毛衣非常基础,穿着很舒服不扎人,但性价比一般🧶。✨ P6 & P7 经典毛衣开衫 - 藏蓝色M码 这款开衫是经典款,可爱又百搭,面料基本不扎人。纠结了很久要不要买单🥹,可能内心还是...