Want to make a Paloma with grapefruit soda? Pro tip from my friend Kate of Hola Jalapeno: you'll need Squirt soda. Also: you still need grapefruit juice. Kate's Paloma recipe calls for Squirt grapefruit soda (ideally Mexican Squirt) but fresh grapefruit too. A side-by-side comparison ...
Tips for Making Paloma Tequila Cocktail Recipe If you cannot find Jarritos- Squirt and Fresca are grapefruit sodas that are easy to find. Try the paloma with any grapefruit soda. For a stronger grapefruit flavor, try a craft soda like Hansen's, Izze, and Q Drinks. ...
Because the Paloma is constructed right in the glass, you don’t need any bar tools to make it. Just add your ingredients to a highball glass with ice, give a quick stir, and you’re ready to enjoy a refreshing cocktail. Mexico’s national cocktail is a great choice any day of the ...
Recipe Variations Not a fan of spicy cocktails? Try this paloma with regular Aperol. It makes a fine drink without the chile pepper. Like the paloma, feel free to pour a grapefruit soda into this drink. Jarritos, Squirt, and Q Grapefruit are great choices. ...
Jump to Recipe ThesePaloma Jelly Shotsare inspired by the classic cocktail and is made with lime gelatin, tequila, and grapefruit juice and soda. It’s supposed to be getting cold around here. Which makes me happy but most people sad. ...
Classic Paloma Cocktail What do you need? How to make? Ingredients 1 chilled bottle grapefruit soda, such as Squirt 1 1/2 to 2 ounces blanco tequila 1/4 to 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice, depending on sweetness of soda 2 tablespoons crunchy salt and 1 lime wedge, for rimming...
Always finish off with a squeeze of lime juice – it makes the whole thing pop Jared Hirsch, bar lead, Quince restaurant In Mexico, Palomas are usually made withSquirt– a brand of soda that can be hard to find outside the Americas. A lot of American bartenders I know substitute with ...
The Squirt and Grapefruit Connection Meehan reached out to me a while back as I had done some research on the Paloma for a presentation I gave years ago. Meehan says in his book that he first saw the recipe in David Wondrich's 2005 bookKiller Cocktails, and further that "N...
But first, a few notes: To be transparent, we made our Paloma here with Q grapefruit soda to get that lovely pink tinge. Jarritos grapefruit soda from Mexico is the exceptionally popular choice—like Mexican Coke, it's just fundamentally better—but it's not pink. Same goes for Squirt,...