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NOTE: Expedition is supported by the community as best effort. The Palo Alto Networks TAC does not provide support, so please post your questions in the Expedition discussions area.Resources Get the Expedition Installer (Ubuntu 20.04) Ask Questions Get the Guides Videos Log Analysis Features of ...
您可以在迁移过程中随时从支持页面提交 TAC 支持请求。 用于排除故障的日志和其他文件 可在以下文件中找到有助于识别和排除问题的信息。 文件位置 日志文件 <migration_tool_folder>\logs 迁移前报告 <migration_tool_folder>\resources 迁移后报告 <migratio...
一般故障: 1.统计、管理方面的软件缺陷,不影响服务的正常提供。 2.客户技术咨询、索取技术资料、寻求技术支持。 3.软件功能缺失,不影响服务的正常提供技术支持热线和联系方式 1.电子支持系统: 2.技术联系方式(工作时间): 400全球TAC热线支持电话:4006399205, 4006399207©...
Cisco Secure Firewall 迁移工具支持在启用远程部署的情况下将 Palo Alto Networks 防火墙迁移到管理中心或威胁防御6.7 或更高版本。接口和路由的迁移必须手动完成。 点击忽略 FTD 并继续,将配置迁移到管理中心。 当您忽略威胁防御并继续时,Cisco Secure ...
Checkpoint and Juniper TAC support is also very good as well. I can not comment on Palo Alto support because I have not worked with them but I can comment on Riverbed Steelhead TAC support. It is not as good as Cisco TAC. This is because of the size of the companies such as Cisco,...
every Palo Alto Networks firewall performs an auto-commit. >show high-availability all > show vpn ipsec-sa, Save an Entire Configuration for Import into Another Palo Alto Networks Device: You can also refer below how to restart Management server(mgmtsrvr) process. (LogOut/ user@hostname> deb...
Parse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Arista / Cisco / Juniper / Palo Alto / F5 configurations. - mpenning/ciscoconfparse
buyers guide HPE Aruba Networking TAC 用户指南 阅读全文 产品介绍 HPE 数据隐私和安全协议附件,含 HPE Support and Professional Services(以下简称“服务”)法律资料说明 阅读全文 信息图 HPE 支持中心快速入门 阅读全文 法律资料说明 HPE 最终用户许可协议 阅读全文 概述 采用HPE Aruba Networking Wi-Fi 7 ...