{PaloAltoIpAddress}/restapi/v9.1/Objects/ServiceGroups?location=vsys&vsys=vsys1&name=${ServiceGroupName}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url -SkipCertificateCheck -Headers $paloAltoHeaders -Body (ConvertTo-Json $requestBody) -Verbose } } # Run that function for all services in Azure...
Next, we need to get the intermediate and root certificates as we will also need to install these on the Palo Alto firewall. An easy way to do this is to install the certificate that we just downloaded onto our PC and view the certificate chain and export those two c...
This will ensure that the clients don’t get a certificate error message if the root CA is properly trusted. This certificate CN should be an FQDN (cp.example.com) that can be resolved on your internal DNS, or you should have the CN set to the IP address of the firewal...
在Palo Alto 中配置 TLS/SSL 证书后,请根据以下示例中的所有 Palo Alto REST API 调用删除-SkipCertificateCheck参数。 不应将本文用作 Palo Alto REST API 的引用。 所有示例仅用于演示目的。 有关权威的 API 详细信息,请参阅 Palo Alto 文档中的PAN-OS REST API。
在Palo Alto 中配置 TLS/SSL 证书后,请根据以下示例中的所有 Palo Alto REST API 调用删除-SkipCertificateCheck参数。 不应将本文用作 Palo Alto REST API 的引用。 所有示例仅用于演示目的。 有关权威的 API 详细信息,请参阅 Palo Alto 文档中的PAN-OS REST API。
在Palo Alto 中配置 TLS/SSL 证书后,请根据以下示例中的所有 Palo Alto REST API 调用删除-SkipCertificateCheck参数。 不应将本文用作 Palo Alto REST API 的引用。 所有示例仅用于演示目的。 有关权威的 API 详细信息,请参阅 Palo Alto 文档中的PAN-OS REST API。
Next we want to export the root "Sectigo" certificate. Follow the same steps as above, but select "Sectigo" to export and save it as noiproot.cer. You should now have exported three certificates. Step 3 - Configuring the Palo Alto firewall ...
$url = "https://${PaloAltoIpAddress}/restapi/v9.1/Objects/ServiceGroups?location=vsys&vsys=vsys1&name=${paloAltoServiceGroupName}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $url -Headers $paloAltoHeaders -SkipCertificateCheck Delete each Palo Alto service (as defined in AzureSpringAppsServices.cs...
$url = "https://${PaloAltoIpAddress}/restapi/v9.1/Objects/ServiceGroups?location=vsys&vsys=vsys1&name=${paloAltoServiceGroupName}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $url -Headers $paloAltoHeaders -SkipCertificateCheck Delete each Palo Alto service (as defined in AzureSpringAppsServices.cs...
$url = "https://${PaloAltoIpAddress}/restapi/v9.1/Objects/ServiceGroups?location=vsys&vsys=vsys1&name=${paloAltoServiceGroupName}" Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $url -Headers $paloAltoHeaders -SkipCertificateCheck Delete each Palo Alto service (as defined in AzureSpringAppsServices.cs...