唯一的缺点就是室内区域有点拥挤,特别是带小宝宝的时候,可能会觉得有点挤。总的来说,Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo是个非常适合带小朋友去的地方,既能学到知识,又能玩得开心。带上你的小宝贝,一起去体验吧!0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 慧慧浅予执染玖 2024-12-26 🌈伦敦周边探秘:巴斯的完美一日游...
在Palo Alto,拖家带口玩一天的好去处非Junior Museum & Zoo莫属!这里不仅有博物馆和动物园,还有适合全家人玩耍的游乐场和水上乐园。 ▫️Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo 📍 1451 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94301 这个重新装修扩建的小型博物馆和动物园,室内有各种STEM游戏,室外则可以玩水玩沙。动物园...
Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo 是一個適合小小孩(從剛出生的寶寶到小學的孩子),讓孩子們在爬摸滾打中,釋放她們過剩的精力,開啟她們對這奇妙的世界的好奇心,學習如何探索大自然。雖然對於大人來說這個地方很小,但是對於小朋友來說這簡直就是個從未見過的星球,不僅有50多種動物,還有超過200種的動物標本,更是有...
Palo Alto Junior Zoo May 4, 2018the Junior Museum at 1451 Middlefield Road moves to a temporary home at Cubberley Community Center in South Palo Alto to make way for the construction of its new facility opening summer 2020! Access to zoo animals on the public floor will be limited, but a...
上周去的斯坦福大学,也是位于Palo Alto。这真是个好地方,绿树如荫。有很多高大的树木,感觉两个人都抱不过来那种。当然,房价也是逆天。 从名字就能看出来,这个景点包含两个部分,博物馆和动物园。按现在流行的话来说是个“小而美”的地方。小得出乎想象,也美得出乎意料。
这周末,我们决定去Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo,真是个寓教于乐的好地方!早上10点,足球课一结束,我们就火速前往,因为不能错过火烈鸟的用餐时间。每个小朋友都可以拿到一个装着火烈鸟专用食物的杯子,亲自喂它们吃。第一次这么近距离接触火烈鸟,感觉特别新奇。需要注意的是,喂食火烈鸟的时间是10:30-11:00,千万别...
🐘 Palo Alto Junior Museum Park & Zoo经过重新装修后,成为2-10岁孩子们的绝佳去处。这里的动手玩玩玩区域类似San Jose Children’s Discovery Museum,但设备更新,家长座位充足。室外小动物园有定点“meet & talk”活动,可以让孩子更近距离接触动物,了解更多知识。最棒的是,Upper level的树屋和绳索攀爬区,孩子们...
Summer Science Camp Instructors Palo Alto Junior Museum &Zoo—Summer 2022 Camp Season The Palo Alto Junior Museum &Zoo is currently looking for Camp Instructors to help facilitate its summer science camps which operate from June 15th through August 14th. These programs feature week—long full—day...
The Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo is a great San Francisco Bay Area destination for children. Located in Palo Alto, the museum offers fun and education exhibits targeted towards its young visitors. The exhibits at the museum do change. The current one is focused on bugs, which showcases ...
The Palo Alto Junior Museum & Zoo is currently looking for Camp Instructors to help facilitate its summer science camps which operate from June 15th through August 14th. These programs feature week-long full-day camps exploring a variety of science topics in the Life, Physical and Earth Sciences...