administrationofPaloAltoNetworksfirewalls. IfyouhaveaM-100appliance,thisguidetakesoverafteryoucompleterackmountingyourM-100appliance. Formoreinformation,refertothefollowingsources: Forinstructionsonconfiguringthefeaturesonthefirewall,gotoPAN-OSAdministrator'sGuide.ThePaloAlto ...
A company has a pair of Palo Alto Networks firewalls configured as an Acitve/Passive High Availability (HA) pair. What allows the firewall administrator to determine the last date a failover event occurred? A. From the CLI issue use the show System log B. Apply t...
-I was thinking in cases where the external/IP or Uplinks/Upstream interface of the HA Firewall, is a route of some router or superior device, that points to the HA IP, ARP-Load sharing, could in this case point to an ARP Loadsharing IP as well or not ? -Now thi...