Network Security Platform CLOUD DELIVERED SECURITY SERVICES Advanced Threat Prevention Advanced WildFire DNS Security Data Loss Prevention IoT Security Next-Generation Firewalls Hardware Firewalls Strata Cloud Manager SECURE ACCESS SERVICE EDGE Prisma Access ...
9xCloud Security Leaderopen 9xSecOps Leaderopen See what our solutions can do for you. Here for you. Here forwhat’s next. Executives Specialists Partners Customers Ignite on Tour Meet decision-makers, experts and practitioners for a day of hands-on learning, strategy building an...
Prisma Cloud is the most complete Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) for code to cloud security in any cloud, multicloud, and hybrid environment.
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Palo Alto Networks partnership offers multiple products to solve a variety of use cases. VM-Series next-generation firewall on OCI is a virtual security appliance that helps to secure your workload migration to the cloud. VM-Series inspects all application traff...
Prisma Cloud is the most complete Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) for code to cloud security in any cloud, multicloud, and hybrid environment.
ALTO安全工具SECURITY安全平台GoogleEPIC网络攻击近日,Palo Alto Networks在其举办的Epic Cloud Security大会上,展示了其配备全新云端功能的下一代安全平台,该全新功能专为防御云端网络攻击而设计,可为主要云平台提供统一安全防护,简化在混合和多云环境下的部署和管理,提供持续数据安全与合规,包括Google 云平台vip中国信息...
Palo Alto Networks 不仅能够为数字企业提供当下所需的网络安全服务,还能为日后的工作打好安全基础,让企业无需在二者间权衡和纠结,这样的网络安全合作伙伴仅此一家。我们承诺将双管齐下,在保障数字企业的安全方面绝不妥协退让。下面将介绍我们如何为您提供保护。
我们的新一代防火墙可采用物理、虚拟化或基于云的部署形式,通过 Panorama 得到一致的管理。作为 Security Operating Platform 的一部分,Palo Alto Networks 新一代防火墙帮助组织快速采用 WildFire 和Magnifier 等原生集成的安全创新技术,同时跨端点和云共享数据和情报。
下一代安全(Next-Generation Security)成为PaloAlto重点发力方向 下一代安全主要包括云安全平台(Prisma)与安全运营平台(Cortex)。(1)云安全平台(Prisma)是针对公有云、与威胁情报云相关的订阅服务集合平台。截至2021财年第一季度,Fortune100企业中PrismaCloud客户占比达到了70%,Global2000企业中PrismaCloud客户占比为20...
2022年3月14日,北京——为了应对迅速增加的软件供应链攻击,全球网络安全领导企业 Palo Alto Networks(纳斯达克代码:PANW)(派拓网络)近日推出Prisma® Cloud供应链安全功能(Supply Chain Security),为企业提供软件供应链潜在漏洞或错误配置的完整视图,助其快速追踪问题源头并修复漏洞。如果未迅速修复,或未在编码过程中...