Spinal Cord Injury Service, VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, CA; and Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA, USA Abstract. Fifty consecutive spinal injury patients who underwent simultaneous EMG of the peri-urethral and perianal striated muscles along with cystometrogram on a multiple channel...
Define Palo. Palo synonyms, Palo pronunciation, Palo translation, English dictionary definition of Palo. n. 1. A pole or timber of any kind; - in the names of trees. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co
-Palo Alto, CA, Stati Uniti d'America 62 Moderata La qualità dell'aria è accettabile; tuttavia, per alcuni inquinanti potrebbe presentarsi un rischio moderato per la salute in un numero molto ridotto di persone che in genere non `è sensibile all'inquinamento dell'aria. I...
Bruce, Richard H. (Los Altos, CA, US) Application Number: 11/003688 Publication Date: 09/14/2010 Filing Date: 12/02/2004 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated (Palo Alto, CA, US) ...
Sankuratri, Suryanarayana (San Jose, CA, US) Schumacher, Ralf (Penzberg, DE) Application Number: 11/893899 Publication Date: 05/31/2011 Filing Date: 08/17/2007 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Roche Palo Alto LLC (Palo Alto, CA, US) Primary...
as the severity of the disease to be treated, the age and relative health of the subject, the potency of the compound used, the route and form of administration, the indication towards which the administration is directed, and the preferences and experience of the medical practitioner involved....