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doTERRA sources Palmarosa essential oil from the eastern plains of Nepal, though it is originally native to India and even carries the nickname “Indian geranium.” The grass can grow to be up to ten feet tall and requires abundant sunshine to grow. Once harvested, the grass is then dried ...
搭配您摯愛的doTERRA洗面乳混合使用,以助皮膚維持健康年輕的狀態。 深入學習 玫瑰草精油來自哪裡? 原材料來自東南亞的玫瑰草精油的產地為尼泊爾。這種高草喜歡在空氣潮濕,泥土濕潤的土地環境生長。玫瑰草清亮淺黃色的精油實際上是從草葉經乾燥並蒸餾後獲得的。
Power of 3 Loyalty Rewards Program Shipping Rewards Program Enrolment Collection Flyer doTERRA Events See all Events 我們的產品 台灣 購買多特瑞產品 doTERRA 美商多特瑞精油皆經過「CPTG® 專業純正調理級認證」,每個步驟皆確保只有品質最高的精油能夠順利通過品質控制、品質保證,讓顧客每次收到的精油品質都是最...