Tamil Nadu alone accounts for 40 million palms. It also grows in isolated patches in Assam, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Since each and every part of its palm is economically useful hence it is commonly known as 'Kalpaka virutcham'. And it has been declared as the state tree ...
A large collection of these are available in the classical Indian languages like Sanskrit, Tamil, Pali etc as well as in more modern languages like Telugu. These characters on the palm leaf have the additional properties like depth, an added feature which can be gainfully exploited in character...
Tamil nadu, toddy palm, and Asian palmyra to name a few. It hasjelly-like seed pocketswith a sweet, refreshing taste. It is a food ofgreat historical and cultural importancein the area where it is native. The tree itself can grow to 30 meters tall, with...
The palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer), a multipurpose tree of great utility, occurs extensively in Tamil Nadu state, India. Figuring in history, literature, and folklore of the state, it is exploited for food from the fruit and tuberous seedlings; beverage and sugar from the sap; fiber ...
“tree of life,” every part of the palmyra palm serves various purposes such as food, beverage, fiber, fodder, and timber. Despite the rich nutritional content of edible palm products, their commercialization has been hindered by a lack of value addition. In South India, the sweet sap ...
The sap obtained from the tree is helpful in providing relief from itch. Use the sap to provide relief from itchiness. Prevention of Osteoporosis As the person ages, osteoporosis occurs. This condition affects not only old people but also young these days which occurs due to the amount of act...
Plantations of the tree can be spotted on the Malabar coast and extend all the way to madras. In India, palmyrah adorns the dry, sandy, lands of the semi-arid regions of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, West Bengal, Bihar, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. It is estimated that ...
Palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer L.) belonging to the family Palmae is referred to as tree of life with several uses including food, beverage, fibre, medicinal and timber. Unfortunately, the nutritionally enriched pulp of ripened palm has limited commercial use. Extraction of pulp has been ac...
Oil Palm in Africa: Past, Present and Future Scenarios, World Rainforest Movement Series on Tree Plantation No. 5. World Rainforest Movement (2010) Google Scholar [63] MoFA Facts and Figures about Agriculture in Ghana. Accra, Ghana: Statistics, Research and Information Directorate (SRID) of Mo...
Sago-Palm-tree Health Benefits of Sago Palm Weight gain Sago is an inexpensive way to gain weight. 100 grams of serving provides 350 calories. It’s starchy substance which can be made into calorie dense puddings and shakes and offers energy to function normally and regain weight. ...