If you're noticing brown tips on your majesty palm, don't worry. This is actually a common occurrence. Before you panic, several factors could be causing the brown tips. The first reason your majesty palm may get brown tips is due to dry air. Since majesty palm is a tropical plant, i...
the plant’s roots tend to confine themselves within the amended soil and avoid venturing into the surrounding earth, essentially treating the planting hole like a container that restricts growth.
10 Reasons Why Palm Leaves Are Turning Brown or Yellow Palm Tree Care 101: Ultimate Guide to Health & Happy Palms View All Palm Care Tips Identify Over 2,500+ Types Of Palm Trees Struggling to identify a palm tree? Our step-by-step guide breaks down the key characteristics like leaf type...
A common question from readers is “should I cut the brown tips off my ponytail palm?” The answer is “yes.” This is a part of the plant maintenance. Under-watering or not enough humidity can make the tips of the leaves go brown. and sometime the entire leaf dies and should be re...
Brown tips on leaves may indicate too much sun, under-watering, or over-fertilization. Yellow leaves or a mushy stem can be signs of overwatering and root rot. To propagate, cut off and plant offsets (“babies”) that sprout around the base. ...
These palms are not known to attract any major problems. They sometimes draw spider mites or other small insects, which enjoy nesting in the foliage. Brown tips can also be an annoyance. Both of these problems usually signify the plant needs a higher level of humidity. ...
1. The fruit of the coconut palm, consisting of a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed. 2. The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity. 3. The edible white flesh of the coconut, often shredded and used in...
Raise the humidity.Tropical plants are healthiest when they are surrounded with humidity, as in their native habitats. Indoor humidity can drop drastically in the winter months, and will cause brown leaf tips. If indoor air is dry, the best way to boost humidity near your indoor palm trees ...
This plant prefers being pot bound to a certain degree, so re-pot every three years. Humidity: Normal room humidity is usually fine; however, dry air turns leaf tips brown (this is common). Propagation: Propagation is done with seeds, but it’s time consuming and quite difficult. You’...
Remove lower leaves as they yellow and trim brown tips to the natural leaf shape using clean, sharp scissors. Reducing the light intensity a plant is receiving will cause it to eventually drop some inner and lower fronds. Keep these removed as they occur. ...